primitive cortex是什么意思 primitive cortex的中文翻译、读音、例句

primitive cortex是什么意思 primitive cortex的中文翻译、读音、例句

primitive cortex的中文解释是"原始皮质",在日常中也代表"原始皮质"的意思,单词读音音标为[primitivecortex],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到93个与primitive cortex相关的例句。

Primitive cortex的词典翻译


例句:And sheep, is one of the most primitive sources of catgut. (而羊,是一种最原始的羊肠线的来源。)


primitive cortex一般作为名词使用,如在cortex(皮质 )、primitive(原始的 )、epithecial cortex(囊层皮)等常见短语中出现较多。

epithecial cortex囊层皮
embryonic cortex胚皮层
entorhinal cortex[网络] 内嗅皮质;内嗅皮层;内嗅皮质区
eucommiae cortex杜仲
extrastriate cortex外纹状皮质, 纹状外皮质
fetal cortex胎儿皮质
frontal cortex[医]额皮质


1. The primary somatosensory cortex. (翻译:这是初级体感皮层 The primary somatosensory cortex.)

2. The site of infarct was frequently located in the cortex and subcortex. (翻译:脑梗死常位于皮质和皮质下较表浅部位; )

3. The attire is a touch primitive, (翻译:这服装看着比较原始 The attire is a touch primitive,)

4. Note the cuticle and cortex -- blond. (翻译:表皮和皮层显示 他是金发 {\3cH202020}Note the cuticle and cortex -)

5. At the time, medicine was still a primitive quasi-science. (翻译:当时,医学仍是原始的准科学。)

6. And is a wild primitive area, containing empty, dilapidated buildings and little is known of the primitive nature of the peninsula's inhabitants. (翻译:那是一片原始地域 有许多空置危房 我们对半岛居民的自然习性所知甚少)

7. Primitive peoples deified the sun. (翻译:原始部落将太阳奉为神。)

8. The prefrontal cortex is key to theory of mind. (翻译:前额皮质是心理理论的重要部分。)

9. The primitive visual symbols include object symbols, rope-tying symbols, Bagua symbols, primitive pictures and primitive statues. (翻译:原始的视觉符号包括实物符号、结绳符号。八卦符号、原始记号、原始图画和原始雕塑;)

10. Treblinka was a primitive, but efficient production line of death. (翻译:记着这一点: 特雷布林卡是一条原始 然而效率却很高的死亡生产线)

11. These regions were in the frontopolar cortex and the parietal cortex. (翻译:这两个区域在额极皮层和顶叶皮层 中。)

12. It was in this old and primitive way that Martin wooed Ruth. (翻译:马丁就是以这种古老而原始的方式向露丝求爱的。)

13. That gives your old cerebral cortex a workout. (翻译:那样才能让你的快要生锈的大脑皮层锻炼一下。)

14. The Plains Indians were a very primitive tribe... (翻译:高原印地安人是全北美洲里 非常原始的部族)

15. And primitive demonstrations of electricity never failed as a crowd pleaser. (翻译:对于电学原理的初步演示 And primitive demonstrations of electricity 深受公众的欢迎 never failed as a crowd pleaser.)

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