mewre是什么意思 mewre的中文翻译、读音、例句

mewre是什么意思 mewre的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:They completely re-rearrange this. (他们从头重放了一次 They completely re -rearrange this.)


例句:Your re-design, your big re-brand, that was AIM, right? (-design, your big re -brand, that was AIM, right?)


1. As a rule, one of his sons will become the mew emperor after the death of the former emperor in the past. (翻译:过去皇帝驾崩后,通常由他的一个儿子来当新皇帝。)

2. But, perhaps, a pause to re-group. (翻译:也许应当暂缓 重新整顿 But, perhaps, a pause to re -group.)

3. Minimum exploration workload (MEW) and Exploration obligation (EO) are two key concepts in international exploration ventures. (翻译:最小勘探工作量与最小义务工作量是跨国油气勘探的两个关键概念。)

4. It says there was a re-release program in the Michigan peninsula. (翻译:It says there was a re -release program 在密歇根州的半岛 in the Michigan peninsula.)

5. What happens at these re-enactments? (翻译:这些历史重现中都发生了什么呀? What happens at these re -enactments?)

6. The mew store opens up next month. (翻译:这家新商店将在下个月开张。)

7. Brother, I have been re-hymenated. (翻译:I have been re -hymenated.)

8. Do-re-mi-fa-so and so on are only the tools we use to build a song. (翻译:Do Re Mi... 只是个来唱歌的工具)

9. Let Hercules himself do what he may, the cat will mew, and dog will have his day. (翻译:好汉要闹就随他们闹去吧 猫儿要叫 狗儿也总要咬)

10. Do what you like. I'm not your father. (翻译:我又不是你爸 Je ne suis pas ton père.)

11. Yep, been re-elected five times. (翻译:没错。已经5次当选了 Yep, been re -elected five times.)

12. @ Do re mi fa so la ti do. @ (翻译:@ @ Do re mi fa so la ti do.)

13. Re-create him in the aggregate. (翻译:Re -create him in the aggregate. GRADY:)

14. Don't hit Great Tiger's witch! (翻译:不许打猛虎的巫师 On frappe pas la sorcière de Grand Tigre!)

15. Re-engage autopilot switches. (翻译:重新按自动驾驶开关 Re -engage autopilot switches.)

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