professional organization address是什么意思 professional organization

professional organization address是什么意思 professional organization

professional organization address通常被翻译为"专业组织地址"的意思,在日常中也代表"专业组织地址"的意思,读音为[professionalorganizationaddress],professional organization address是一个英语名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到57个与professional organization address相关的句子。

Professional organization address的翻译


例句:Professional Judgment: Professional judgment must be applied to interpret the CMM practices for a particular organization. (专业判断力:对于特定的组织解释CMM时,应该运用专业判断力。)


professional organization address一般作为名词使用,如在professional organization(专业组织)、no address(无位址)、to address([网络] 解决;为了解决;致辞)等常见短语中出现较多。

professional organization专业组织
no address无位址
to address[网络] 解决;为了解决;致辞
with address高明地
the organization公家
directly address直接寻址
domain address领域位址
disc address磁碟位址


1. Well, not a professional one (翻译:至少不是专业的 Well, not a professional one)

2. Guess this is the right address. (翻译:看来地址没错 Guess this is the right address.)

3. Guys, I have to address this. (翻译:You know what? Guys, I have to address this.)

4. Designer: Hu Yin, ShangHai China ; Organization: Dong hua Univ. Fashion Professional Technology college. (翻译:21号作品:《小浪花》,设计者:胡吟,中国上海;选送单位:东华大学服装职业技术学院。)

5. And your address was listed... (翻译:上面有你的地址 And your address was listed ...)

6. Now, the professional thieves are very good in computer (翻译:the professional thieves are very good in computer)

7. Her W-2, the address is a PO box. (翻译:the address is a P. O. Box.)

8. A member of Kiwanis International, a service organization made up of business and professional people, founded in 95. (翻译:同济会国际组织的成员,由商业及专业人士所组成的服务组织,创建于xx年。)

9. You stand on the bottom step ... a very professional organization. (翻译:你站在最下面的台阶上... 一个非常专业的组织。)

10. What organization is this? (翻译:这是什么机构 What organization is this?)

11. Finding a charity, professional organization, or community group that could use your help does three good things, Mattson says. (翻译:麦特森表示,找一家能够发挥你能力的慈善团体、专业机构,或者社区组织,这会给你带来三个好处。)

12. He never stopped working much but always small money (翻译:Very professional. 怎么没人警告我? 警告什么 大臣?)

13. Does professional killing need marketing? (翻译:{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}What? Does professional killing need marketing?)

14. Oh, yeah, real professional, Mike. (翻译:哦,好啊,真专业,Mike。Oh, yeah, real professional, Mike.)

15. Don't forget that, ok? Got it. (翻译:Her address 15 Keats Street.)

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