programme stop是什么意思 programme stop的中文翻译、读音、例句

programme stop是什么意思 programme stop的中文翻译、读音、例句

programme stop通常被翻译为"亦作"的意思,其次还有"计算机程序停机"的意思,在线读音是[programmestop],programme stop来源于英语,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到19个与programme stop相关的句子。

Programme stop的释义


例句:This programme contains violence from the outset and scenes which viewers may find uncomfortable. (本片含有暴力镜头 This programme contains violence from the outset 观片谨慎 and scenes which viewers may find uncomfortable.)


例句:She will not stop the Harvest. (She will not stop the Harvest.)


programme stop一般作为名词使用,如在programme(n. 节目, 节目单, 程序, 纲要, 大纲, 计划\nvt. 规划, 拟...计划\nvi. 安排节目, 编程序)、to programme(制作节目)、stop(停止 )等常见短语中出现较多。

programmen. 节目, 节目单, 程序, 纲要, 大纲, 计划\nvt. 规划, 拟...计划\nvi. 安排节目, 编程序
to programme制作节目
stop at(按常规)在…处停下; 延伸到…为止; 中途歇宿于…; 造访
stop by顺便访问
stop for留下吃
stop in顺便访问
stop it[网络] 住手;停止;别这样
Stop it!住手!停下!


1. Try this. Launch a programme, the Natha Card Programme. (翻译:试试这样 启动一个方案 Natha卡方案)

2. - Let's, uh... - Stop The Games! (翻译:取消比赛 Stop The Games!)

3. - Daisy, stop this at once! (翻译:- Daisy, stop this at once!)

4. And we will stop it in due course. (翻译:And we will stop it in due course.)

5. Kill Lilith, stop the apocalypse? (翻译:stop the apocalypse?)

6. I have your outline here, but why not stop by tomorrow? (翻译:but why not stop by tomorrow?)

7. No no, stop it, stop it, both of you. (翻译:不, 住手, 你们两个都住手. No no, stop it, stop it, both of you.)

8. [ Burnecker ] I don't see anything. [ Cowley ] I think it's Ackerman. [ Abbott ] You're crazy. (翻译:Then stop being a child!)

9. -[ laughs ] -stop right there. (翻译:站住 stop right there.)

10. Elsa must stop this folly. (翻译:Elsa must stop this folly.)

11. And will I be credited in the programme? (翻译:我会被署名进创作团队吧? And will I be credited in the programme?)

12. - He could stop all of it. (翻译:He could stop all of it.)

13. Ah Si, stop taking pictures. (翻译:stop taking pictures.)

14. Miss, will you stop crying? (翻译:will you stop crying?)

15. Please tell your parents good night for me, okay? - Good night. - Good night. (翻译:Are you going to stop seeing him?)

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