mastas是什么意思 mastas的中文翻译、读音、例句

mastas是什么意思 mastas的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:How many three-mast clipper ships are wrecked off the coast? (我意思是有几艘三杆快帆古船 在海岸失事过?)

例句:Bomb fetches were with difficult to sail, as there were two large mortars on the foredeck in place of the fore-mast. (炮船航行被困难,因为在前甲板前桅的位置有两门大迫击炮。)


1. The allergic reaction is characterized by activation of two types of inflammatory cells, called mast cells and basophils. (翻译:过敏反应的特点是由两种类型的炎性细胞,肥大细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞,激活。)

2. - Masts secured, ahead two thirds. (翻译:-Mast secured, helm at 2/3.)

3. I'm running a cell dump from the nearest mast, but with no number to match it to... (翻译:我正从那最近的信号塔下载手机通信记录 可惜连个比对的号码都没有... 闭路监控呢?)

4. The insects have hibernated in beech mast on the ground. (翻译:一些昆虫在地上的山毛榉果实中冬眠。)

5. The rest were tars before the mast, and lived in the cabin. (翻译:其余的都是桅杆前的水手,住在船舱里。)

6. There were lots of tryptase-positive mast cells in the mesenchyme of the human carcinoma tissue of esophagus. (翻译:人食道癌间质中可见多量类胰蛋白酶阳性细胞。)

7. You have to produce flowers that are very bright and put them right at the top of a prominent tall mast. (翻译:所以要有鲜艳的花朵 还得把它们放到高高的桅杆上面)

8. Relation between mast cels and eosinophils in small intestine of rats (翻译:大鼠小肠内肥大细胞与嗜酸粒细胞的关系及其年龄性变化趋势)

9. What is it that makes yse mast ts hurt hary (翻译:你为什么整天都想着要害她 What is it that makes yse mast ts hurt hary)

10. Effect of GlcNAc against activation of bacterial cryptic growth cells to mast cells (翻译:缓激常泰拮抗细菌潜生体对肥大细胞激活作用的实验研究)

11. Forestay: the rigging that secures the mast forward. (翻译:前支索:从前面固定桅杆的索具。)

12. The collective name for mast, boom and sails on a boat is the 'rig'. (翻译:船的桅杆、帆桁和帆总称为“索具”。)

13. Nautical A platform enclosing the head of each mast of a sailing ship, to which the top mast rigging is attached. (翻译:帆船上包围着所有帆头的平台,顶桅索具就加结于其上。)

14. The national flag is at half-mast in memory of ...late Chairman Deng Xiaoping (翻译:国旗升了之后,随即下降一半 下半旗哀悼邓逝世)

15. The only thing he spat out was the main-mast, for it stuck in his teeth. (翻译:他唯一吐出来的东西是主桅,因为它卡在他的牙齿里了。)



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