propeller type agitator是什么意思 propeller type agitator的中文翻译、读音、例句

propeller type agitator是什么意思 propeller type agitator的中文翻译、读音、例句

propeller type agitator在英语中代表"螺旋桨式搅拌器"的意思,其次还有"螺旋桨式搅拌器"的意思,读音为[propellertypeagitator],propeller type agitator来源于英语,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到55个与propeller type agitator相关的句子。

Propeller type agitator的翻译


例句:What type of actressing work? (- Uh, what type of actressing you work?)


propeller type agitator一般作为名词使用,如在propeller agitator([化] 螺旋桨式搅拌器\n[医] 推进式搅拌器)、gate type agitator([化] 框式搅拌器)、helical type agitator(螺旋轴搅拌机)等常见短语中出现较多。

propeller agitator[化] 螺旋桨式搅拌器\n[医] 推进式搅拌器
gate type agitator[化] 框式搅拌器
helical type agitator螺旋轴搅拌机
paddle type agitator[化] 桨式搅拌机器
rotary type agitator[化] 回转搅拌器
turbine type agitator汽轮式搅拌器;透平式搅拌器
propeller type accelerometer螺旋桨式加速[度]计
propeller type agitater[化] 螺旋桨式搅拌机; 螺旋桨式搅拌器


1. I was just wondering what type of firearm (翻译:我在犹豫 I was just wondering what type of firearm)

2. High speed propeller sir approaching from the entrance. (翻译:长官,收到推进器高速音 正从海湾入口处向我艇接近)

3. I got to say, I never figured Rufus for the religious type. (翻译:I never figured Rufus for the religious type.)

4. Empty your pockets. That's for the propeller, the paint... (翻译:你口袋里的也拿出来吧 螺旋桨的费用还差多了...)

5. He clearly has a victim type. (翻译:很明显 他挑选猎物有偏好 He clearly has a victim type.)

6. the back-mixing degree of T-type agitator was the minimum, and most close to the plug flow. (翻译:T型桨的卧式釜搅拌返混最小,最接近于平推流。)

7. The utility model relates to an agitator used for fixing on the gas-liquid mixer in the container. (翻译:本实用新型涉及用于固定容器内气液混合搅拌机上的搅拌器。)

8. In the select Machine Type panel, select the EIP development workstation option. (翻译:在Select Machine Type面板中,请选择EIP development workstation选项。)

9. Ah, this type of question, I... (翻译:恩 这种问题 我 Ah, this type of question, l...)

10. Tonight, any protestor, any instigator or agitator will be made example of! (翻译:今晚,任何进行 抗议,煽动和蛊惑的人... ...将被惩罚,以儆效尤!)

11. To people of this type anymore. (翻译:向这种人低头! to people of this type anymore.)

12. Propeller accident. Ceviche. It's funny. (翻译:被绞进螺旋桨的那个 人就像剁碎的腌鱼 好好笑)

13. Soft on fish violence and all that. (翻译:-and -release -type gal.)

14. This is the type of evening that requires free-balling. (翻译:这种派对就该让蛋蛋放风 This is the type of evening that requires free)

15. Remember that firebrand agitator at Southwark Hospital? (翻译:记得在萨瑟医院煽风点火那人吗? Remember that fire brand agitatorat Southwark Hospital?)

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