proportional guidance sector是什么意思 proportional guidance sector的中

proportional guidance sector是什么意思 proportional guidance sector的中

proportional guidance sector通常被翻译为"航"的意思,在英美地区还有"比例引导扇区"的意思,发音是[proportionalguidancesector],proportional guidance sector来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到17个与proportional guidance sector相关的例句。

Proportional guidance sector的翻译


例句:The one sector of the economy that can't be easily duplicated by even smart technologies is the caring sector, the personal care sector. (经济中有一个部门,即使是智能技术也无法轻易复制,那就是护理部门,个人护理部门。)


例句:Salary is proportional to years of experience. (薪金视资历而定。)


proportional guidance sector一般作为名词使用,如在proportional(成比例的 )、proportional to(与……相称,与……成比例)、guidance(向导 )等常见短语中出现较多。

proportional to与……相称,与……成比例
it sectoriT 扇区
directly proportional直接比例的
fourth proportional比例第四项的,第四比例项的
inverse proportional反比的
inversely proportional成反比例的
mean proportional比例中项


1. How did you arrive to the Eastern Sector? (翻译:你是怎么来东区的呢 Uh, how did you arrive to the Eastern sector?)

2. Sector 195 is ready for occupation. (翻译:195区现在可以入住了 Sector 195 is ready for occupation.)

3. The private sector will welcome you (翻译:私人公司会相当欢迎 the private sector will welcome you)

4. Thus the anaerobic energy reserves of a vertebrate are proportional to the size of the animal. (翻译:因此,脊椎动物的无氧能量储备与动物的大小成正比。)

5. We need your guidance, Medivh. (翻译:我们需要你的指引 麦迪文 We need your guidance, Medivh.)

6. We will be patrolling sector six over here and sector seven over there. (翻译:我们在这里分配六支队伍巡逻 在那里分配七支)

7. The day number of hazes was proportional to temperature, but inversely proportional to wind speed. (翻译:霾日数的变化与气温成正比,与降水量、风速呈反比。)

8. I think his wife cleaned up in the private sector. (翻译:我觉得私下还是他老婆比较厉害 I think his wife cleaned up in the private sector.)

9. The day number of hazes was proportional to temperature, but inversely proportional to wind speed. (翻译:霾日数的变化与气温成正比,与降水量、风速呈反比。)

10. But in industry sector this kind of imbalanced mainly performance for the difference between formal sector and informal sector. (翻译:而在工业部门内部,这种不平衡主要表现为正规部门和非正规部门之间的差别。)

11. Other proportional feedback signals are generated from rate gyros. (翻译:其他的比例反馈讯号是由速率陀螺产生的。)

12. Residents may now enter sector 179. (翻译:居民现在可以进入179区 Residents may now enter sector 179.)

13. I just need your guidance. (翻译:只要您给我一些指引 I just need your guidance.)

14. What about the rest of the private sector? We have to start by leading by example, then we introduce... (翻译:那其它的私人企业呢 What about the rest of the private sector? 再着手立法...)

15. It was found that its oxygen index, smoke density were directly proportional to content of carburizer whereas its initial expanding time was inversely proportional to content of carburizer. (翻译:研究结果表明,材料的氧指数、烟密度与炭化剂的用量成正比,而起始膨胀时间与炭化剂的用量成反比。以直接模压成型方法制得的材料膨胀性能较好。)

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