propulsion system component是什么意思 propulsion system component的中文翻

propulsion system component是什么意思 propulsion system component的中文翻

propulsion system component在英语中代表"推进系统分量"的意思,还经常被翻译为推进系统分量,单词读音音标为[propulsionsystemcomponent],propulsion system component是一个英语名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到81个与propulsion system component相关的句子。

Propulsion system component的词典翻译


例句:The meridional wind component and zonal wind component are same important. (其经向风分量与纬向风分量同等重要。)


propulsion system component一般作为名词使用,如在propulsion component(推进分量)、propulsion(推进 )、component(成分 )等常见短语中出现较多。

propulsion component推进分量
or component[计] "或"元件
diesel propulsion油机推进
duct propulsion喷气推进
electirc propulsion电力推进
electric propulsion电推进
electrical propulsion电力推进
efficiency of propulsion进效率


1. If all else fails, I can always comment out the System. out. println calls. (翻译:如果有什么没通过,我总是可以注释掉System.out.println调用。)

2. Ablative laser propulsion is one of the major branches in the study field of laser propulsion. (翻译:烧蚀模式激光推进是激光推进技术的一个重要研究领域。)

3. The powertrain includes Bucher Hydraulics propulsion pump plus one single roped propulsion ram, and oil supply pipes by Leistritz, Germany. (翻译:动力系统包括BucherHydraulics驱动泵连单一缆索式驱动臂,以及德国Leistritz供油管。)

4. I'm gonna split you open from groin to gullet. (翻译:我打开要去分裂 从腹股沟到消化系统Digestive System食道。)

5. You would think it would have more juice. (翻译:A. system? 那个系统应该更有料才对 You would think it would have more juice.)

6. Hyper Operating System, "HOS". (翻译:Hyper operating System,HOS)

7. In the weapons propulsion lab. (翻译:做一些真正的科研工作 in the weapons propulsion lab.)

8. But, you know, you and Don... (翻译:- How would we ever build up that part of our immune system?)

9. Conn/Maneuvering: Restoring propulsion as soon as possible. Aye, sir! (翻译:这里是操作室 尽快修好推进器 了解了 长官)

10. Many developers use a primitive form of logging: System. out. println and System. err. println. (翻译:许多开发人员使用一种原始格式进行日志记录:System.out.println和System.)

11. Simulation of Ship Propulsion System with Descending Dimension Spectrum of Bicepstrum (翻译:倒双谱的降维谱在舰船推进系统中的仿真研究)

12. Humbler partridges propulsion Their humbler followers, such as partridges, have a like power of strong propulsion, but soon tire. (翻译:次于野鸭和鸽子的鸟,如鹧鸪,有相似的巨大推动力,但很快会疲劳。)

13. System reporting anything? (翻译:系统有发出什么警报吗 System reporting anything?)

14. Propulsion Adjustment Mechanism responding full. (翻译:选择推进装置 SW. ATM504A感度良好)

15. BBS, the Bulletin Board System, developed only among the students in its early stage. (翻译:BBS System电子布告栏 早期只在学生族群中发展)

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