prorupt是什么意思 prorupt的中文翻译、读音、例句

prorupt是什么意思 prorupt的中文翻译、读音、例句


一、含义:'protrupt'意为'突出的,突起的,突出部分的',主要用于形容地理信息中的'protruding parts',即地形中的突起。


三、常见搭配:'protrupt'可以与各种地形特征进行搭配,如'protrupt coastline'(凸出的海岸线)、'protrupt mountain'(突起的山脉)、'protrupt landform'(凸起的地貌)等。


1. The protrupt coastline of this island has created many natural harbors.(该岛的凸出海岸线形成了许多天然港口。)

2. The protrupt peak of the mountain was visible from miles away.(山的突出峰顶从远处就能看到。)

3. The protrupt terrain made it difficult for the troops to advance.(地势凸起,使得军队难以前进。)

4. The protrupt cliff provided a breathtaking view of the ocean.(突起的悬崖提供了令人惊叹的海景。)

5. The protrupt hill was an ideal spot for a picnic.(突起的小山丘是野餐的理想场所。)




例句:Sizzled Core's PR dropped to 3! (判罚核心的公关下降到3 ! )


例句:- We even have a fairly accurate. - Oh! - Which is? (我们甚至想出了具体名字 On en a même une assez précise.)


1. I give to you, the T-virus. (翻译:请看 T病毒 I give to you, the T -virus.)

2. This time you're being warned! (翻译:Je vous avais prévenu pourtant... 这一次 警告你们 Cette fois)

3. Tell me, what made you to be a PR? (翻译:你告诉我,什么事情你搞不定... 要去做舞小姐?)

4. You want your perceptions at any time T to be of the world at time T. (翻译:在“t”时间获得感知 此时外部时间也为“t” )

5. Now, your army of PR advisers, lawyers and lobbyists will say you are crazy to fess up to your uber-capitalism. (翻译:现在,你的公关顾问、律师和游说人士组成的军团会说,你真是疯了,会承认自己的超级资本主义。)

6. PR: So, the question is, what's the demographic. (翻译:菲利普:嗯,问题是,“第二人生”的人口统计数据)

7. Now.. words beginning with "A". (翻译:现在列举以A开头的动物名称 A présent, des animaux commençant par A.)

8. PRP schemes are most commonly used for managers in private-sector organisations. (翻译:PR P方案大都普遍用于私营部门组织内的经理。)

9. This is our chance to make good PR of bad PR. (翻译:听着 这是我们的机会 把过去坏的公关 变成好的公关)

10. ## Put it up, put it up, put it up ## (翻译:[put it up, put it up, put it up])

11. According to the wall street journal, citigroup inc. (翻译:公共关系早间咨询 {\3cH202020}PR morning edition. 本周正是...)

12. PR: So, the question is, what's the demographic. (翻译:菲利普:嗯,问题是,“第二人生”的人口统计数据 )

13. The only thing that counts today is PR and promotion. (翻译:现在唯一重要的是公关和推广。The only thing that counts today is PR and promotion.)

14. Yeah, but she's a woman teacher! (翻译:hurry up hurry up hurry up!)

15. She didn't get the job because she failed to act as if she was gagging for a career in PR. (翻译:她没得到这份工作,因为她没有表现出自己很想从事公关事业的样子。)

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