protocranium是什么意思 protocranium的中文翻译、读音、例句

protocranium是什么意思 protocranium的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Restitution and fixation of old fractures of orbita and orbital floor with vicinal facial cranium fracture by using titanium microplate (微型钛板固定整复陈旧性眶底、眶骨骨折伴邻近颅面骨骨折)


1. If you think about it, Shakerism was a proto-environmental movement. (翻译:如果你想一想的话,震颤派宗教仪式是一种原始的环保运动。)

2. Now there are three levels of self to consider -- the proto, the core and the autobiographical. (翻译:自我有三个层次 原始层,核心层,及自传层。)

3. As such, Calvin now possess the means to interact with its environment, including the use of what appear to be proto-appendages. (翻译:因此,卡尔文现在 拥有这些方法与环境互动 包括使用类似 原始皮肤的东西)

4. Patients undergoing craniotomies are especially at risk, given that veins in the bony cranium do not collapse after being transected. (翻译:开颅手术的患者危险更高,因为颅骨的静脉切开后不能塌陷。)

5. And he viewed proto-shamanism as a kind of original attempt, through ritual, to rekindle a connection that had been irrevocably lost. (翻译:他把萨满教视为一种初始的尝试, 通过仪式,去恢复一种联系 这种联系已经无可挽回地丧失了。)

6. Stretching over a million years, the hand axe tradition is the longest artistic tradition in human and proto-human history. (翻译:延绵超过一百万年, 手斧传统 是人类和原始人历史上 最长时间的艺术传统。£ )

7. A brainiac, with a cranium packed, full of more uranium. (翻译:一个材质非凡的人,头盖骨被开了,并注满了铀。)

8. Basipetal differentiation is seen in the formation of proto-and metaxylem in the stem. (翻译:在茎原生木质部和次生木质部的形成过程中可以看到这种类型的分化。)

9. If Cranium went out of business tomorrow it would be greatly missed by its committed customers. (翻译:如果Cranium明天歇业,它的忠诚客户会深切思念它。)

10. This proto-Sinaitic alphabet of consonants was pictographic, yet each pictograph represents a sound rather than a thing or idea. (翻译:虽然这种辅音音素字母属于象形文字,但是其只表音,不指物也不表意。)

11. Stretching over a million years, the hand axe tradition is the longest artistic tradition in human and proto-human history. (翻译:延绵超过一百万年, 手斧传统 是人类和原始人历史上 最长时间的艺术传统。£)

12. Gross examination of the cranium; extensive bruising in the left parietal region, a knife wound. (翻译:头颅检查结果 上颌骨和额骨受过冷兵器的重伤...)

13. The brain itself does not fossilise, but the inside of the cranium retains an impression of its contours. (翻译:脑部分本身是不会变成化石的,但在头盖骨内部却还保留着脑的轮廓。)

14. A humanoid being, Ki's most distinguishing physical feature was an enlarged conical cranium that contained a binary brain. (翻译:作为人形生物,基最独特的生理特征就是巨大的圆锥形脑壳,里面有一个二元大脑。)

15. Within a year, he eventually got the proto-reef soup headed in the right direction. (翻译:用了xx年不到的时间,他终于获得了演化方向正确的原型珊瑚培养液。)

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