protodolomite是什么意思 protodolomite的中文翻译、读音、例句

protodolomite是什么意思 protodolomite的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:We can even use the same process to go back one step further, and trace the origins of Proto-Germanic to a language called Proto-Indo-European, spoken about 6000 years ago on the Pontic steppe in modern day Ukraine and Russia. (我们甚至可以用同样的办法再往前跨一步 追溯到古日耳曼语来源于古印欧语 这种古印欧语来自xx年前的东欧大草原 也就是今天的乌克兰和俄罗斯地区 )


例句:The thrid part are tuff, ferruginous dolomite, crystal tuff and volcanic breccia. (第三段以凝灰岩、铁质白云岩、晶屑凝灰岩、火山角砾岩为主。)


例句:The main facies of Suining formation are ferruginous -shale film, anhydrite, dolomite and calcite. (遂宁组最主要的成岩相组合为铁泥膜-硬石膏-白云石-方解石成岩相;)


1. The main facies of Suining formation are ferruginous -shale film, anhydrite, dolomite and calcite. (翻译:遂宁组最主要的成岩相组合为铁泥膜-硬石膏-白云石-方解石成岩相;)

2. Now there are three levels of self to consider -- the proto, the core and the autobiographical. (翻译:自我有三个层次 原始层,核心层,及自传层。)

3. In dolomite reservoir, the acidizing fluid leak off is one of the key factors for the acid fracturing effects. (翻译:在白云岩储集层中,酸液滤失是影响酸化压裂效果的关键参数之一。)

4. But this is not the same as being a kind of proto-science. (翻译:但是这也并不意味着他们在处理一个科学雏形问题。)

5. They are made from different materials??dolomite, tough silk, organdie etc. (翻译:它们是用不同的材料做的,白云石、绡、蝉翼纱等。)

6. 1 he laminar algal shaly dolomite and dolomite mudstone of Lower Cretaceous are the main source rocks in the Jiuxi Depression, NW China. (翻译:酒西坳陷下白垩统藻纹层泥质白云岩和白云泥岩是该区主要烃源岩。)

7. Now there are three levels of self to consider -- the proto, the core and the autobiographical. (翻译:自我有三个层次 原始层,核心层,及自传层。)

8. Stretching over a million years, the hand axe tradition is the longest artistic tradition in human and proto-human history. (翻译:延绵超过一百万年, 手斧传统 是人类和原始人历史上 最长时间的艺术传统。£)

9. Platonism itself might be called proto-Gnostic, that is, Gnosticism before Gnosticism. (翻译:柏拉图主义本身可以被称为原始诺斯替,也就是诺斯替之前的诺斯替。)

10. Medium hard formation with high compressive strength. Such as hard shale, limestone, sandstone, dolomite, anhydrite and marble. (翻译:高抗压强度的中硬地层,如硬页岩。石灰岩。砂岩。白云岩。和硬石膏。大理石。)

11. A lot cephalopoda fossils were found in the section of dolomite with limestone, which belong to early Ordovician. (翻译:于白云岩夹灰岩之层段发现大量的头足类化石,其时代属早奥陶世。)

12. If you think about it, Shakerism was a proto-environmental movement. (翻译:如果你想一想的话,震颤派宗教仪式是一种原始的环保运动。)

13. If you think about it, Shakerism was a proto-environmental movement. (翻译:如果你想一想的话,震颤派宗教仪式是一种原始的环保运动。)

14. Conclusion: The mRNA overexpression of MET proto-oncogene is correlated with tumor differentiation in ESCC. (翻译:结论:MET原癌基因表达水平与食管鳞癌细胞分化相关。)

15. As such, Calvin now possess the means to interact with its environment, including the use of what appear to be proto-appendages. (翻译:因此,卡尔文现在 拥有这些方法与环境互动 包括使用类似 原始皮肤的东西)

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