protodeutocerebral是什么意思 protodeutocerebral的中文翻译、读音、例句

protodeutocerebral是什么意思 protodeutocerebral的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Someone said that it is not TIA if has cerebral infarct and has no evidence to support cerebral vasospasm is one of the mechanisms on TIA. (有专家认为,只要出现梗死灶就不能诊断TIA以及目前没有研究证据表明血管痉挛学说是TIA的发病机制之一。)


1. The involved cerebral hemisphere will have enlarged sulci if the cerebral injury occurred after birth or after completion of sulcation. (翻译:假如脑损伤发生在生后或脑沟形成后,受累的大脑半球将会出现脑沟加深。)

2. Objective To investigate the mechanism of spasticity in cerebral palsy (CP). (翻译:目的:研究痉挛型脑瘫患儿肌痉挛形成的机制。)

3. Experimental study of cerebral protection by retrograde vs selective antegrade cerebral perfusion during deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (翻译:深低温停循环中不同脑灌注方式脑保护的实验研究)

4. The diplegic cerebral palsy is hard to treat. (翻译:双瘫性脑瘫很难治疗。)

5. Within a year, he eventually got the proto-reef soup headed in the right direction. (翻译:用了xx年不到的时间,他终于获得了演化方向正确的原型珊瑚培养液。)

6. Torture, dehydration, bout with cerebral malaria. (翻译:严刑拷打 脱水 脑型疟疾发作 Tuhon和他的人两次试图劫狱)

7. Now there are three levels of self to consider -- the proto, the core and the autobiographical. (翻译:自我有三个层次 原始层,核心层,及自传层。)

8. Objective: To investigate the effects of ginkgolides injection in experimental cerebral ischemia and cerebral blood flow volume. (翻译:目的:观察银杏总内酯注射液对实验性脑缺血及脑血流量的影响。)

9. Effects of chiral NBP on cerebral infarct volume due to transient focal cerebral ischemia (翻译:手性丁基苯酞对暂时性局部脑缺血大鼠脑梗死体积的影响)

10. Analysis of crossed cerebellar diaschisis in patients with cerebral ischemic (翻译:脑缺血患者交叉性小脑神经机能联系不能的影像分析)

11. It was perhaps a touch too cerebral for that audience, but... (翻译:或许对很多群众来说 那太理智深奥了,但是...)

12. Cerebral amino acids and hyperbaric oxygen toxicity. (翻译:大脑氨基酸、及高压氧毒性。)

13. Conclusion: The mRNA overexpression of MET proto-oncogene is correlated with tumor differentiation in ESCC. (翻译:结论:MET原癌基因表达水平与食管鳞癌细胞分化相关。)

14. cerebral hemisphere cerebral cortex cerebral medulla cerebral sulci cerebral gyri (翻译:大脑半球大脑皮质大脑髓质大脑沟大脑回大脑纵裂)

15. Role of perfusion of different concentration of Nimotop on cerebral vasospasm (翻译:不同浓度尼膜同灌洗对实验性脑血管痉挛的治疗作用)

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