protoplanetary nebula是什么意思 protoplanetary nebula的中文翻译、读音、例句

protoplanetary nebula是什么意思 protoplanetary nebula的中文翻译、读音、例句

protoplanetary nebula的中文解释是"原行星云、网络",作为名词时有"原行星状星云"的意思,读音为[protoplanetarynebula],protoplanetary nebula在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到76个与protoplanetary nebula相关的句子。

Protoplanetary nebula的词典翻译


例句:The nebula was first observed in 1731 by John Bevis. (它是由JohnBevis于xx年首次发现的。)

例句:Not far from our sun the Helix Nebula. (离我们的太阳不远处 有颗恒星正在死亡: 螺旋星云.)


例句:Many of these newborn suns are surrounded by protoplanetary discs, where matter is shaped up into asteroids, moons and planets. (这些新诞生太阳 许多周围有原行星盘 在这里物质形成小行星 卫星和行星)


例句:For example, there is the Horsehead Nebula, looking like a stallion rising out of a pink mist. (翻译:例如,有马头星云 看起来像匹骏马 从粉红薄雾中昂首)


protoplanetary nebula一般作为名词使用,如在protoplanetary(原行星的 )、nebula(星云 )、protoplanetary cloud(原行星云)等常见短语中出现较多。

protoplanetary cloud原行星云
protoplanetary disc[网络] 原行星盘
protoplanetary discs[网络] 行星盘;原行星盘
protoplanetary nebulae[网络] 原行星星云
protoplanetary nebulas[网络] 原行星星云
diffuse nebula弥漫星云
double nebula双星云


1. Many of these newborn suns are surrounded by protoplanetary discs, where matter is shaped up into asteroids, moons and planets. (翻译:这些新诞生太阳 许多周围有原行星盘 在这里物质形成小行星 卫星和行星)

2. For example, there is the Horsehead Nebula, looking like a stallion rising out of a pink mist. (翻译:例如,有马头星云 看起来像匹骏马 从粉红薄雾中昂首)

3. The awesome Eagle Nebula, known as the pillars of creation... a birthplace of stars. (翻译:惊人的老鹰星云,以其创造之柱闻名 是许多星球的诞生地)

4. The Crab Nebula was produced by the colossal titanic explosion of a star at the end of its life. (翻译:蟹状星云是 诞生于 一颗恒星在生命终结时 所产生的巨大的爆炸.)

5. So most people have no idea of the difference between an emission nebula and a planetary nebula. (翻译:大多数人都分不清 发射星云和环状星云之间的区别。)

6. Trouble with the nebula, sir, is all that static discharge and gas clouds our tactical display. (翻译:- 星云的问题是... 静电和烟云会干扰显示器)

7. A bit of mould is a pleiad of flowers; a nebula is an ant-hill of stars. (翻译:一粒霉菌是一簇美不胜收的花朵,一撮星云是无数天体的蚁聚。)

8. Now, the nearest star to us that might do that is Eta Carinae, and it's a spectacular nebula. (翻译:离我们最近而有可能发生这种事的 就是海山二 这是壮丽的星云)

9. As the nebula collapsed caused by its gravity, it spun faster and flattened into a disk. (翻译:当星云因其重力而坍缩时,它旋转得更快,并压扁成一个盘状。)

10. The Eagle Nebula, with towering pillars up to four light years in size, and the Carina Nebula, with its distinctive green glow. (翻译:鹰星云,有着4光年向上 支撑的塔柱体积 而船底座星云,有着独特的绿光)

11. The Trifid Nebula itself represents the final phase of star formation. (翻译:三叶星云本身代表着恒星形成的最后阶段。)

12. The Eskimo nebula is clearly a planetary nebula. (翻译:爱斯基摩星云显然是一个行星星云。)

13. We tracked her stranded ship through the sector of uncharted nebula. (翻译:我们试图在赛斯星云定位失事飞船,那是一片未知的星域,因此没有成功)

14. L the Horsehead nebula in Orion is the best-known dark nebula. (翻译:l猎户星座中的马头星云是最著名的暗星云。)

15. In infrared view, for example, this nebula looks entirely different, but no less fascinating. (翻译:例如,用红外线来看 这个星云外观迥然不同 但不失美丽)

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