protozonite是什么意思 protozonite的中文翻译、读音、例句

protozonite是什么意思 protozonite的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Platonism itself might be called proto-Gnostic, that is, Gnosticism before Gnosticism. (柏拉图主义本身可以被称为原始诺斯替,也就是诺斯替之前的诺斯替。)

例句:You mean Nite Owl. Him and Rorschach used to be partners. (你是说夜枭 他之前和罗夏是搭档,记得吗?)


1. Arwen and I? Have visitors often, and come out to play almost every nite. (翻译:我和云云常常招呼客人,通常每天晚上也会出来游玩。)

2. But this is not the same as being a kind of proto-science. (翻译:但是这也并不意味着他们在处理一个科学雏形问题。)

3. Why was Susan Lefferts at the Nite Owl? (翻译:那就合作吧,布雷肯小姐! 苏珊为什么去夜猫子?)

4. Conclusion: The mRNA overexpression of MET proto-oncogene is correlated with tumor differentiation in ESCC. (翻译:结论:MET原癌基因表达水平与食管鳞癌细胞分化相关。)

5. Theoretical result coincides fairly well with statistical curves obtained from the long series data from Zo-Se and Huancayo Observatories. (翻译:理论结果与用佘山及洪伽幼地磁台站得到的统计结果是一致的。)

6. Bury your father, Hizdahr zo Loraq. (翻译:埋葬你的父亲, Hizdahr ZO Loraq。)

7. A troupe of Yunkish castrati owned by Yurkhaz zo Yunzak sang them songs in the ancient tongue of the Old Empire, their voices high and sweet and impossibly pure. (翻译:一班约克哈兹·佐·杨扎克所有的渊凯阉人用古王国的旧语唱了几曲,他们的声音高亢甜美,难以置信的纯净。)

8. He does not see it as a proto -superstate, or a union cohesive enough to become a giant version of France, Germany or Britain. (翻译:他并不认为欧盟已经成为了一个超级大国,或是一个像扩大版的法国、德国和英国那样有足够凝聚力的共同体。)

9. If you have any question I will be back tomorrow nite. (翻译:如果你有任何问题,我明天晚上回来。)

10. All right, then... are you concerned about criminal matters peripheral to the Nite Owl murders? (翻译:好了 你现在是奉命调查跟命案有关的事情吗?)

11. Platonism itself might be called proto-Gnostic, that is, Gnosticism before Gnosticism. (翻译:柏拉图主义本身可以被称为原始诺斯替,也就是诺斯替之前的诺斯替。)

12. Proto-Elamitepreceded a partially deciphered script, Linear Elamite, used in thesame area 750 years later. (翻译:原始埃兰文字之后,大概过了xx年,线形埃兰文字成为该地区的语言,该文字目前已经部分破译。)

13. The proto-scientists did not spring into being as paid-up believers in modern materialism and rationality. (翻译:早期科学家不会瞬间就变成现代唯物主义和理性原理的信奉者。)

14. And if not? What of it fails, by? nite there? (翻译:如果一切都失败了,那么 击败他的胸口像大猩猩!)

15. I believe the Nite Owl's your area of expertise, Mr. Exley. (翻译:我相信夜猫子那件案子正是你的杰作, 艾斯利先生)

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