provisional profits tax是什么意思 provisional profits tax的中文翻译、读音、例句

provisional profits tax是什么意思 provisional profits tax的中文翻译、读音、例句

provisional profits tax在英语中代表"交暂缴利得税、暂缴利得税"的意思,其中文解释还有"网络"的意思,在线发音:[provisionalprofitstax],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到41个与provisional profits tax相关的句子。

Provisional profits tax的中文翻译


例句:Listen the course, the seminar, the University were provisional jobs. (听着。课程,讨论班,或者大学... 这些都只算我的临时工作。)


例句:Our provisional diagnosis is Borderline Personality Disorder (初步的诊断是... ...边缘性精神紊乱)

例句:Under the proposed legislation, American companies will no longer be allowed to put off paying tax on profits made and reinvested abroad. (按照新的提案,美国公司不再允许因为在国外赚取的收益和进行的投资而拖延缴税。)


provisional profits tax一般作为名词使用,如在profits tax(利得税)、tax on profits([法] 利得税)、provisional tax(暂缴税)等常见短语中出现较多。

profits tax利得税
tax on profits[法] 利得税
provisional tax暂缴税
excess profits tax[经] 过分利得税
profits tax assessment利得税评税通知书
profits tax assessor利得税评税主任
profits tax return利得税报税表
Windfall Profits Tax暴利税
net provisional tax[网络] 暂缴税实额;税后纯利


1. Under the proposed legislation, American companies will no longer be allowed to put off paying tax on profits made and reinvested abroad. (翻译:按照新的提案,美国公司不再允许因为在国外赚取的收益和进行的投资而拖延缴税。)

2. It cannot yield excessive profits either. (翻译:它不能收益过多的利润。It cannot yield excessive profits either.)

3. the last three years the company paid tax or tax includes business tax, profit tax, payroll tax or other tax proved. (翻译:近xx年公司税单或税务交纳证明,包括营业税、利润税、工资税或其它税务证明。)

4. Now, British government are try their best to make But tax as same as the exoteric profits. (翻译:英国政府还在研究如何使可征税利润更接近公开的利润额。)

5. Corporate profits are rebounding. (翻译:公司利润也在回升。)

6. Are oil companies, I ask, more morally culpable than other industries that would not be subject to Obama's proposed [windfall profits] tax? (翻译:我问:是不是石油公司,比那些不受制于老奥的“暴利税”的行业,更需要得到道德的谴责?)

7. The bank made pre-tax profits of $6.5 million. (翻译:该银行获得了税前650万美元的利润。)

8. Tax expenditures are the revenues forgone due to preferential tax treatment . (翻译:税收支出是由于税收优惠待遇而放弃的收入。)

9. When a foreign co-venturer remits abroad the profits distributed to him for the years preceding 1986, the remitted amount shall be subject to income tax in accordance with the original stipulations. (翻译:外国合营者将xx年以前年度分得的利润汇出境外时,其汇出额的所得税仍按原规定执行。)

10. That would give you more options, potentially higher profits and tax benefits. (翻译:这样你的选择会更多, 还可能增加你的利润和 享受优惠的税收政策.)

11. PUMA has 2.7 billion dollars of turnover, 300 million dollars of profits, 200 million dollars after tax, 94 million dollars of externalities, cost to business. (翻译:彪马的营业额为27亿美元, 拥有3亿美元利润, 税后利润为2亿美元, 9400万为外部效应,这是公司运营成本的一部分。)

12. Jacobs just pulled the Nutella Tax. (翻译:雅各布斯刚搞定了能多益税 Jacobs just pulled the Nutella Tax.)

13. And yet profits go up, and they continue going up. (翻译:我们的利润还在上涨 而且持续上涨 And yet profits go up, and they continue going up.)

14. The Nationalist government moves to Taiwan. (翻译:Taipei becomes provisional capital.)

15. Tell them that Milton Friedman would say to tax pollution rather than profits. (翻译:告诉他们,米尔顿·弗里德曼 会建议对污染征税, 而不是对利润征税。)

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