prudyanka是什么意思 prudyanka的中文翻译、读音、例句

prudyanka是什么意思 prudyanka的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:They stab the lady with the knife till her belly pops, and then they yank you out, all covered in blood. (母亲的肚子被刀戳爆 然后把全身是血的婴儿拉出来)


例句:You do not yank on a Pod, okay? (Not so fast soldier boy! 别猛的拉这个花苞! 好吗?)


例句:But yank his rec time. He missed count last night. (但得扣放风时间 他昨晚没有点名 {\3cH202020}But yank his rec time.)


prudyanka一般作为名词使用,如在Prudyanka([地名] 普鲁江卡 ( 乌克 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Prudyanka[地名] 普鲁江卡 ( 乌克 )


1. But yank his rec time. He missed count last night. (翻译:但得扣放风时间 他昨晚没有点名 {\3cH202020}But yank his rec time.)

2. If you feel inclined to test the robustness of your environment, you might opt to be a bit more aggressive (yank the plug! ). (翻译:如果您希望测试环境的健壮性,您可能需要一些更激进的方式。)

3. She gave the rope a yank. (翻译:她猛地拽了拽绳子。)

4. You bankroll me, back me with muscle, and then you yank it out from under me? (翻译:你资助我,提供我打手 然后你背地里把他们调走?)

5. You know, I love her to death, but sometimes I wish I could just reach inside her head, yank out that chip that makes her so-- (翻译:我爱死她了 但有时我真希望能进入她的大脑 拔出那块让她如此纠结的芯片)

6. Lack had both a professional and a personal desire to fend Jobs off, even to yank his chain a bit. (翻译:无论从职业还是个人情结上来讲,Lack都不想让乔布斯得逞,即使为此自掏腰包。)

7. I mean really fall in love and then we'll... yank it all out from under him, (翻译:真正的爱上你 之后我们就 抽身而退让他一无所得)

8. I'm guessing this is one Yank we don't have to worry about anymore. (翻译:让我们请你们再喝一轮酒 否则怎能算是在地人?)

9. Look, Yank... the last thing that Jap Major is gonna be looking for... is us heading north. (翻译:看,美国佬 日本人绝对想不到 我们会往北走)

10. With the weight of the grain pushing down on you, if we don't yank you out properly, we sever your spinal cord. (翻译:以谷物施加在你身上的重量来看 如果我们不采取合适的方式拉你上来 就会弄断你的脊椎)

11. We, uh, case it, yank it, be back here by the end of the week. (翻译:be back here by the end of the week.)

12. No, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen yank them out for, like, hiking and camping and stuff. (翻译:不是 Cullen医生和他太太带他们外出了 像是徒步旅行啦 露营啦 等等)

13. Scared of whatever had the juice to yank me out. (翻译:它们在害怕把我从里面拉出来的那个家伙 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}scared of whatever had the juice to yank me out.)

14. Yank it taut. Mommy, that doesn't look like the picture. You're never going to be a sailor. (翻译:猛地拉紧 妈,这跟图上的不太像 你又不会去做水手,那么担心干吗? 可以了,大家,休息一会 好的,那都在上面了)

15. Take the prisoner back to his cell. But yank his rec time. He missed count last night. (翻译:带他回去,缩短他的放风时间,昨天晚上点名的时候他不在。)

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