pseudo nitzschia是什么意思 pseudo nitzschia的中文翻译、读音、例句

pseudo nitzschia是什么意思 pseudo nitzschia的中文翻译、读音、例句

pseudo nitzschia通常被翻译为"伪菱形藻属"的意思,在日常中也代表"伪菱形藻属"的意思,在线读音是[pseudonitzschia],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到31个与pseudo nitzschia相关的句子。

Pseudo nitzschia的释义


例句:Another group of small specimens used for com-parison is pseudo-carburized. (为了对比,还有一组小试样经过伪渗碳处理。)


pseudo nitzschia一般作为名词使用,如在Nitzschia(菱形藻属, 杼形硅藻属)、pseudo(a. 假的, 冒充的)、nitzschia acicularis(针状菱形藻)等常见短语中出现较多。

Nitzschia菱形藻属, 杼形硅藻属
pseudoa. 假的, 冒充的
nitzschia acicularis针状菱形藻
nitzschia acuminata尖锥菱形藻
nitzschia amphibia两栖菱形藻
nitzschia angularis有棱菱形藻
nitzschia brevissima缩短菱形藻
nitzschia coarctata密聚菱形藻
nitzschia constricta缢缩菱形藻


1. If its pseudo trade where we are buying and not selling (翻译:如果那是我们只买不卖的虚假贸易 那就不妥)

2. I hardly think he'd be lecturing at the Sorbonne if he's a pseudo-intellectual. (翻译:吉尔,我很难认为 他要是个伪知识分子, 会被邀请来索邦讲学)

3. The study of distortion products otoacoustic emissions in pseudo-anacousia; (翻译:目的探讨畸变产物耳声发射对伪聋的诊断价值。)

4. As you can see, the pseudo-facade was stripped away to reveal the minimalist Rococo design. (翻译:我们这座城堡 它是由洛可可精心设计的 虽然表面已经有点剥落了)

5. The pseudo-shakedown phenomenon in the structural mechanics of ships is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. (翻译:从理论和试验研究两个方面论述了船舶结构力学中的“伪安定”问题。)

6. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, racemose, sometimes pseudo-umbellate, rarely in large panicles, or flowers solitary. (翻译:圆锥花序顶生或腋生,总状,有时假,在大圆锥花序,或花单生内很少。)

7. Inflorescence a corymbose cyme , leaf-opposed or pseudo terminal, often at tips of tendrils. (翻译:花序伞房状聚伞花序,对生或,通常在顶部的卷须。)

8. The weakest may be picked off by pseudo-specialist features added to generalist search-engines. (翻译:最弱的也许会由多面手搜索引擎上放弃添加的冒充专业搜索的特色。)

9. Raphael Kudela, an ocean scientist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and his team made the discovery after studying a form of sea algae called Pseudo-nitzschia australis. (翻译:加利福尼亚大学的海洋科学家拉尔夫库德拉及其研究小组是在研究一种名为Pseudo-nitzschia australis的矽藻时得出这一发现的。)

10. OBSERVATION: A 66 year-old patient presented with a pseudo-tumoral amyloidosis of the cavum. (翻译:观察:一个xx岁病人的伪肿瘤淀粉样变性的腔。)

11. A prebuilt version of pseudo which was at least a week old. (翻译:预先构建的pseudo版本,该版本至少应该已经存在一周时间。)

12. The PRF is the "Pseudo-Random Function" that's also defined in the spec and is quite clever. (翻译:PRF是一个“伪随机数函数”,这个函数很聪明,在规约中也有定义。)

13. The Preparation and Application of Specific Antigen Gene Probe of Pseudo-monas Mallei (翻译:鼻疽杆菌特异性抗原基因探针制备及应用研究)

14. One is quasi-convexity and pseudo convexity of functions and quasimonotonicity and pseu-domonotonicity of their sub differentials . (翻译:一是函数的拟凸性、伪凸性及其次微分的拟单调性、伪单调性; )

15. To the best of my knowledge, since we first started pseudo over two years ago there have been no bugs caused by problems with SQLite. (翻译:根据我的记忆,自从两年前启动pseudo项目以来,再没出现过由于SQLite的问题造成的bug。)

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