pseudodiploid是什么意思 pseudodiploid的中文翻译、读音、例句

pseudodiploid是什么意思 pseudodiploid的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The study of distortion products otoacoustic emissions in pseudo-anacousia; (目的探讨畸变产物耳声发射对伪聋的诊断价值。)


1. A new technique used to detect HAAg in human diploid embryonic lung fibroblast ( HDLF ) cell culture was developed. (翻译:利用生物素-亲和素生物放大系统的原理,建立了新的检测细胞培养的甲型肝炎病毒抗原的方法。)

2. RAPD Analysis on the Relationship among the Diploid Species in Aegilops (翻译:山羊草属二倍体物种亲缘关系的RAPD分析)

3. The cells of the blastula, called blastomeres, also each receive a full diploid set of chromosomes. (翻译:这些囊胚细胞,称卵裂球,每个细胞都有一套二倍体染色体组。)

4. Operation disallowed on smi pseudo table. (翻译:不允许操作假冒的表。)

5. These cells had retained a diploid karyotype. (翻译:这些细胞持有二倍体核型。)

6. Diploid - Having two copies of every chromosome, one from each parent. (翻译:二倍体-有两个副本,每一个染色体,分别来自父亲和母亲。)

7. The PRF is the "Pseudo-Random Function" that's also defined in the spec and is quite clever. (翻译:PRF是一个“伪随机数函数”,这个函数很聪明,在规约中也有定义。)

8. To handle this, pseudo blocks certain signals when starting a wrapper, and unblocks them at the end of the wrapper. (翻译:为了处理该问题,pseudo在启动包装器时阻塞某些信号,并在包装器结束时解除阻塞。)

9. To the best of my knowledge, since we first started pseudo over two years ago there have been no bugs caused by problems with SQLite. (翻译:根据我的记忆,自从两年前启动pseudo项目以来,再没出现过由于SQLite的问题造成的bug。)

10. Welcome to FSR's new pseudo-column "Afternoon Delight. " (翻译:欢迎来到FilmSchoolRejects网站的最新虚拟栏目“午后愉悦”。)

11. The pseudo-cleft sentence, as an important aspect of the information structure, is often neglected. (翻译:作为英语信息结构组成部分的假拟分裂句往往被人忽视。)

12. Determining the long-range haplotypes in a diploid individual is a major technical challenge. (翻译:确定远距离单体在二倍体个人是一项重大的技术挑战。)

13. Medicine used to open up the pupils to treat pseudo myopia and such. (翻译:是用来治疗假性近视 让瞳孔放大的药剂吗?)

14. Pollen mother cells(PMC)meiosis and relevant parameters of diploid and autotetraploid broccoli were studied comparatively. (翻译:观察二、四倍体青花菜花粉母细胞减数分裂过程并对分裂各时期参数进行统计分析。)

15. A prebuilt version of pseudo which was at least a week old. (翻译:预先构建的pseudo版本,该版本至少应该已经存在一周时间。)

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