pseudohistories是什么意思 pseudohistories的中文翻译、读音、例句

pseudohistories是什么意思 pseudohistories的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Readers, geographies, histories, grammars flew in all directions. (识字课本,地理书,历史书,语法书飞向四面八方。)

例句:But clinicians report that there is often no quick cognitive fix for people with complex histories. (但临床医生报告说,经常有没有快速复杂的历史与人的认知修复。)


1. For family, I'm looking for recipes that genuflect to my own personal histories. (翻译:为了家庭,我寻找 能够服从于我个人阅历的食谱。)

2. He uses his actors' experiences as if they were case histories. (翻译:他利用演员的个人体验 把它当做 病态故事阐述 上面就是这么写的)

3. Another group of small specimens used for com-parison is pseudo-carburized. (翻译:为了对比,还有一组小试样经过伪渗碳处理。)

4. Well, all these places have very colorful histories. (翻译:恩 所有这些闹鬼的地方都有 其引人入胜的来历)

5. A small gift, for the new Khaleesi-- songs and histories from the Seven Kingdoms. (翻译:为新婚的卡丽煕准备的一份薄礼 -- A small gift, for the new Khaleesi --)

6. It's also in establishing a truly African voice after centuries of imposed histories. (翻译:也要摆脱外界几百年来 强加给我们的历史, 并建立真正属于非洲人的历史。)

7. Welcome to FSR's new pseudo-column "Afternoon Delight. " (翻译:欢迎来到FilmSchoolRejects网站的最新虚拟栏目“午后愉悦”。)

8. In chapter 6 it gives a research on the histories of amdo and khams areas. (翻译:在第六章中,研究的是明代安多、康区的历史。)

9. The name was a pseudonym, actually, or a pseudo-pseudonym. (翻译:作者是个匿名,实际上,或者是假的匿名者。)

10. Yeah, mostly kids with histories of violence or gang activities. (翻译:是啊,孩子们大多用 暴力史 或帮派活动。)

11. Right. Well, are there any local legends? Oral histories about the area? (翻译:那好吧 那有没有些当地的传说 关于这个地方的)

12. The intertwined histories of Konrad Bernheimer and the Colnaghi gallery (翻译:科诺德•伯恩海姆和科尔纳吉画廊千丝万缕的历史渊源)

13. The first was that, when linking a file, pseudo helpfully unlinked any existing file of the same name. (翻译:第一选择是,在链接文件时,pseudo可以帮助具有相同名称的现有文件断开链接。)

14. How would their histories be different if the universe was made of something else or if there was more or less matter in it? (翻译:如果它们是由其他物质组成, 由更多或更少的物质组成, 那么它们的历史又会有什么不同? )

15. The Preparation and Application of Specific Antigen Gene Probe of Pseudo-monas Mallei (翻译:鼻疽杆菌特异性抗原基因探针制备及应用研究)

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