pseudoperonospora cubensis是什么意思 pseudoperonospora cubensis的中文翻译、

pseudoperonospora cubensis是什么意思 pseudoperonospora cubensis的中文翻译、

'Pseudoperonospora cubensis'是英语单词,可以翻译为叶霉病菌(一种植物病原菌)。它是引起卷心菜、黄瓜、西瓜、美国茄等作物上叶霉病的病原菌之一。

以下是9个含有'Pseudoperonospora cubensis'的例句:

1. Pseudoperonospora cubensis is the causal agent of cucumber downy mildew.(叶霉病菌是黄瓜霜霉病的病原菌。)

2. High humidity and cool temperatures favor the development of Pseudoperonospora cubensis.(高湿度和低温有利于叶霉病菌的生长。)

3. The control of Pseudoperonospora cubensis in crops is important for the production of high-quality fruits and vegetables.(控制作物中的叶霉病菌对于生产高质量的水果和蔬菜至关重要。)

4. Pseudoperonospora cubensis is a major threat to the cultivation of cucurbits worldwide.(叶霉病菌是世界范围内种植葫芦科植物的主要威胁。)

5. Breeding for resistance to Pseudoperonospora cubensis is an important strategy for sustainable crop management.(培育对叶霉病菌具有抗性的作物品种是可持续的作物管理的重要策略。)

6. Pseudoperonospora cubensis causes leaf spots and blight on cucumber leaves.(叶霉病菌会在黄瓜叶上引起叶斑和枯萎。)

7. The pathogenicity of Pseudoperonospora cubensis is influenced by environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and light intensity.(叶霉病菌的致病性受环境因素如温度、湿度和光强度的影响。)

8. The development of fungicides and biological control measures is essential for the management of Pseudoperonospora cubensis.(开发杀菌剂和生物防治措施对于管理叶霉病菌至关重要。)

9. Pseudoperonospora cubensis is capable of adapting to different hosts and environmental conditions, making it a challenging pathogen to control.(叶霉病菌能够适应不同的寄主和环境条件,使其成为难以控制的病原菌。)

pseudoperonospora cubensis在中文中有"古巴假单轴霉"的意思,其次还有"古巴假单轴霉"的意思,读音为[pseudoperonosporacubensis],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到14个与pseudoperonospora cubensis相关的句子。

Pseudoperonospora cubensis的翻译


例句:With that, you don't need pseudo. (P2P合成制毒法 无色无味 能够解决制毒原料伪麻黄素的短缺问题)


pseudoperonospora cubensis一般作为名词使用,如在xylaria cubensis(古巴炭角菌)等常见短语中出现较多。

xylaria cubensis古巴炭角菌


1. The Bt genes came from a bacterium called Bacillus thuring ensis. (翻译:这种Bt基因来自于一种名为图根菌的细菌。)

2. Or they had this apple by Yoko Ono -- that, of course, later on was, you know, made into the label for The Beatles. (翻译:他们还展示了Yoko Ono 的苹果--当然,之后 你知道,他成为了披头士的标签。)

3. Help me deal with this little wolf cub (翻译:Help me deal with this little wolf cub martha? 帮我处理这头小狼)

4. Well, Romano and J-Cub had a huge fight the night before J-Cub was poisoned. (翻译:好吧,罗马和小Ĵ熊 大吵过架 就在小Ĵ熊被下毒的前一晚)

5. Real deal starts at 30 grand, per person. (翻译:Real deal starts at 30 grand, per person. 每人3万美刀)

6. A cub will fail many times. (翻译:A cub will fail many times. 幼虎会失败多次)

7. So, the man-cub has left the Jungle. (翻译:the man -cub has left the Jungle.)

8. You want to put yourselves between me and the man-cub? (翻译:非要卷进我和人孩之间的战斗吗 You want to put yourselves between me and the man -cub?)

9. The lioness rejected the smallest cub, which died. (翻译:母狮排斥最小的幼狮,把它饿死了。)

10. Matt Cummings and Liko Soules-Ono form the nucleus of the team. (翻译:马特·卡明斯和莱克·索尔斯-奥诺形成了这个团队的核心。)

11. Ms. Ono asked. (翻译:小野女士问。)

12. A man-cub becomes man... and man is forbidden! (翻译:人孩会长成人类 A man -cub becomes man... 而人类是被禁止的 and man is forbidden!)

13. A prebuilt version of pseudo which was at least a week old. (翻译:预先构建的pseudo版本,该版本至少应该已经存在一周时间。)

14. Caius Julius Caesar Ensis Caliburnus. (翻译:盖厄斯・朱利尤斯・恺撒 恩赛斯・卡勒比斯)

15. Get your Cub program here! (翻译:来买小熊队赛程表! 十分钱 Get your Cub program here!)

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