psophometric weights是什么意思 psophometric weights的中文翻译、读音、例句

psophometric weights是什么意思 psophometric weights的中文翻译、读音、例句

psophometric weights通常被翻译为"噪声评价系数"的意思,在日常中也代表"噪声评价系数"的意思,在线读音是[psophometricweights],psophometric weights来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到20个与psophometric weights相关的例句。

Psophometric weights的中文翻译


例句:So they knew at that stage they could carry large weights. (所以他们在那个时候就知道了风筝可以承载较大重量。)


psophometric weights一般作为名词使用,如在weights(n. 重量;砝码(weight的复数))、psophometric power([电] 声功率)、psophometric voltage([电] 声电压)等常见短语中出现较多。

weightsn. 重量;砝码(weight的复数)
psophometric power[电] 声功率
psophometric voltage[电] 声电压
psophometric weighting噪声计加权
differential weights不等权数
drop weights落锤法
equivalent weights[网络] 等价权
exercising weights[网络] 锻炼体重\n(exercising weight 的复数)
false weights假造度量衡


1. Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good. (翻译:两样的法码,为耶和华所憎恶。诡诈的天平,也为不善。)

2. You know what this is? Looks like weights to me. (翻译:你肯定认得这些东西吧, 看起来像健身器材)

3. The HNN model considered the time delay of signal diffusion and had asymmetric weights. (翻译:HNN的连接权是非对称的,并且考虑了信号传播时延。)

4. And recursive LSM formulas with weights using moving window are presented. (翻译:并给出了带移动窗的加权最小二乘递推公式。)

5. Generally, you exhale on the effort, if doing weights, karate or boxing, and inhale on the return. (翻译:一般来说,如果你在做举重、空手道或拳击等运动用力时,你会呼气,然后吸气。)

6. It's not just enough to go to the gym, and just train, and lift weights. (翻译:它不只是不够 去健身房, 和刚刚训练, 和举重。)

7. We don't seem to be able to break through to the next level of weights in the gym. (翻译:我们似乎无法在体育馆中突破到下一个级别。)

8. Secondly, the weights were determined adaptively by calculating the entropies of the edges-detected. (翻译:通过计算检测后的边缘信息熵,自适应确定权值系数。)

9. Genetic algorithms is used to search the optimal link weights of FLANN. (翻译:采用遗传算法优化FLANN的连接权值。)

10. Note: Weights are approximate and do not include crating. (翻译:注意:重量为近似值,不包括包装箱。)

11. A culture-sensitive comparison of two strings depends on each character in the strings having several categories of sort weights, including script, alphabetic, case, and diacritic weights. (翻译:两个字符串的区域敏感比较依赖于字符串中的每一个字符,有几个排序权重类别,包括语言、字母、大小写和音调符号权重。)

12. We added weights to their ankles that amounted to 15 percent of their body weight. (翻译:我们在脚踝那里给他们加重, 重量是他们体重的15%, )

13. He'd use weights to descend faster and come back up with a balloon, just like in the movie. (翻译:即下潜时负重, 这样可以有更大的下潜速度 而返回的时候借助充气气球 就像你们做录像里看到的那样 )

14. Each character in a string is given several categories of sort weights , including script , alphabetic , case, and diacritic weights . (翻译:给予字符串中的每个字符若干类排序权重,包括脚本、字母、大小写和音调符号的权重。)

15. Existing haptic devices use rotary motors with off-centre weights to generate such tremors. (翻译:现有的触感设备均采用重量不对称的旋转电机来产生震动效果。)

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