pubkeepers是什么意思 pubkeepers的中文翻译、读音、例句

pubkeepers是什么意思 pubkeepers的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:The man lurched drunkenly out of the pub. (那男人醉醺醺地踉跄着走出了酒吧。)


例句:I saw a face we usually go on a " pub " (只见了一次面 就在我们平常去的“居酒屋”)


1. It has to be absolutely convenient, that's me going into the pub. (翻译:而且它必须非常方便快捷。我要去酒吧, )

2. Hackett is a Northern California pub owner and brewer. (翻译:哈科特是加利福尼亚北部一所旅馆的老板,同时也是一位酿酒商。)

3. Proposed legislation affecting bird-keepers has been watered down. (翻译:事关养鸟人的立法提案已作了缓和修改。)

4. Natives of Arrakis, they are the keepers of the planet’s many secrets. (翻译:阿拉吉斯的土著人, 他们是这个星球秘密的守护者。)

5. He was in the pub earlier on, and afterwards we went to a discotheque. (翻译:他之前来过酒吧 之后我们去迪斯科舞厅看见他)

6. I knew immediately that this was the new pub for my tribe. (翻译:我当即感觉到,这正是我们族人梦寐以求的酒店)

7. The pub is a favourite haunt of artists. (翻译:这家酒吧是艺术家最爱光顾的地方。)

8. This pub had a mixed clientele. (翻译:这家酒吧有混杂的顾客群。)

9. They serve good pub grub there. (翻译:他们那儿供应上好的酒吧食物。)

10. This is your typical English pub. (翻译:这就是典型的英格兰酒吧。)

11. I ran into Mr Tomizawa at the pub. (翻译:l ran into Mr Tomizawa near the station 我在车站前跟富泽在一起)

12. But it's not my secret, Sergio, we're all its keepers. (翻译:但这秘密不属于我 塞尔乔 我们都是这个秘密的守护者)

13. They usually meander down to the pub after work. (翻译:他们通常下班后漫步到那家小酒店去。)

14. It is Mr. Tom Sherbourne, our new keepers. (翻译:这位是汤姆·施伯恩先生 新来的看塔人 你好)

15. Three keepers were invoked Mathias to protect the necromancer. (翻译:三个守门员被调用 马保护 / i - -死灵法师。)

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