puerperal eclampsia是什么意思 puerperal eclampsia的中文翻译、读音、例句

puerperal eclampsia是什么意思 puerperal eclampsia的中文翻译、读音、例句

puerperal eclampsia的意思是"产后子癎",作为名词时有"产后子癎"的意思,在线读音是[puerperaleclampsia],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到21个与puerperal eclampsia相关的句子。

Puerperal eclampsia的翻译


例句:Objective: To discuss the incidence, provo cable factors and the prevention and cure of postpartum eclampsia. (目的分析产后子痫的发生率、诱发因素及防治方案。)


puerperal eclampsia一般作为名词使用,如在eclampsia(子痫 )、puerperal(产后期的 )、eclampsia antepartum(产前子癎)等常见短语中出现较多。

eclampsia antepartum产前子癎
eclampsia cerebralis[医] 脑性惊厥
eclampsia gravidarum[医] 妊娠惊厥, 子痫
eclampsia infantum[医] 婴儿惊厥, 惊风
eclampsia intrapartum[医] 产间子痫
eclampsia nutans[医] 点头惊厥
eclampsia of pregnancy妊娠惊厥


1. Conclusion: The main cause of late puerperal hemorrhage in retained placental fragment and bad healing up of uterus cuts. (翻译:结论:晚期产后出血的主要原因是胎盘胎膜残留和子宫切口愈合不良。)

2. Objective: To investigate the relative factors of puerperal morbidity and infection after cesarean section. (翻译:目的:探讨剖宫产的术后病率、术后感染及感染相关因素。)

3. Administering drugs such as magnesium sulfate for pre-eclampsia can lower a woman's risk of developing eclampsia. (翻译:施用硫酸镁等药物治疗子痫先兆可降低妇女罹患子痫的危险。)

4. Treatment also results in fewer cesarean deliveries and a reduction in risk for pre-eclampsia and hypertensive disorders. (翻译:治疗还导致更少的剖宫产分娩,而社会对前减少风险子痫和高血压疾病。)

5. These patients have an increased risk of developing preeclampsia or eclampsia ( toxemia ) of pregnancy. (翻译:但其罹患先兆子痫和妊娠毒血症的风险会增加。)

6. The third cause, eclampsia, emerges as pre-eclampsia, a common hypertensive disorder, which can be detected during pregnancy. (翻译:第三大常见的孕产妇死亡原因是癫痫前兆。癫痫前兆是妊娠高血压的异常症状。)

7. Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever could be drastically cut by the use of hand disinfection. (翻译:赛麦尔·维斯发现,产褥热病例可以通过洗手大大减少。)

8. Conclusion With the accompanying of puerperal-sitter, puerperants in puerperium would recover better with less lochia and infection, which improves the life quality of puerperants. (翻译:结论月嫂陪护有助于产褥期产妇的生理康复,减少恶露、感染发生,有助于提高产妇产后生活质量。)

9. Because or infects repeatedly in the puerperal period, causes involution of uterus not to cause. (翻译:或者因在产褥期反复感染,致使子宫复旧不全引起。)

10. All the above can degrade the case fatality rate of puerperal and neonatus. (翻译:这是有效降低孕产妇及新生儿病死率的关键。)

11. Pre-eclampsia is serious. You're too close to this patient. (翻译:一旦你在整个学校面前出一次糗 朋友们就很难再出现了)

12. The protective factors to puerperal diseases were milk, fruits, vegetable, legume and bowels intakes, economy, and culture. (翻译:产褥期疾病的保护因素包括:奶类、水果、蔬菜、内脏、豆类的摄入量及经济、文化等。)

13. AI does not improve the puerperal infection rate. (翻译:AI不会增加产褥感染发生率。)

14. Puerperal hematoma is an uncommon complication of childbirth with a potential for serious morbidity and possible mortality. (翻译:产后出血是一种少见的并发症,分娩的可能造成严重的发病率和死亡率可能。)

15. Results The causes of pregnancy stroke were complicated and manifold, in which, eclampsia was one of the main causes. (翻译:结果导致妊娠卒中的原因复杂多样,其中子痛是主要原因之一;)

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