pulsarlike是什么意思 pulsarlike的中文翻译、读音、例句

pulsarlike是什么意思 pulsarlike的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:No one's jumped a pulsar for forty years... and even then, they were Pilgrims. (xx年来没人能穿越脉冲星时空交接点 除了朝圣者)


例句:How can we tell the difference between the sound of the Sun and the sound of a pulsar? (我们如何区分 太阳的声音 和脉冲星的声音? )


1. But it's been mostly cannibalized by its pulsar companion, and is now just a shadow of its former self. (翻译:其大部分已被它的脉冲星同伴拆解,目前所见的只是之前的影子而已。)

2. What, like a miniature teleport... (翻译:People, like us? What, like a miniature teleport...)

3. We began the project by moving several narrowly focused subprojects from DSDP and took responsibility for the Pulsar package. (翻译:项目开始时,我们仅关注DSDP的几个子项目并负责Pulsar软件包。)

4. Like life path numbers or something like that? (翻译:...数字统统加起来... ... Like life path numbers or something like that?)

5. If you like-a me, like I like-a you (翻译:If you like -a me, like I like -a you)

6. Apriori we do not know the exact distance, spin frequency, and orbital parameters of the radio pulsar that might be hidden in a data set. (翻译:因为我们不知道可能隐藏在数据集中的脉冲星的确切距离、自旋频率和轨道参数。)

7. He said he swiped it like he was proud. (翻译:好像还有枚纪念别针 and, like - - like, a souvenir pin.)

8. Like a reasonable justification. (翻译:- You know what that sounds like? - Like a reasonable justification.)

9. The most famous example is the Hulse-Taylor pulsar. (翻译:最其名的例子就是哈尔斯·泰勒脉冲星。)

10. Some like the high road I like the low road (翻译:# Some like the high road i like the low road#)

11. ♪ Like you do when you like (翻译:Like you do when you like)

12. With the charting of the fourth pulsar this year... the Pilgrim explorers are becoming a discussion point. (翻译:随着星际版图的进一步扩张 朝圣军的举措开始遭到非议...)

13. A pulsar is not a normal star, but a dense, rapidly spinning remnant of a supernova explosion. (翻译:脉冲星并不是一种正常的恒星,它是超新星爆炸后留下的高密度快速旋转的残余部分。)

14. All right, be like your juvenile delinquent like this (翻译:be like your juvenile delinquent like this)

15. like... like a picture of a picture. (翻译:like... like... 像是翻拍的照片 like a picture of a picture.)

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