purbach是什么意思 purbach的中文翻译、读音、例句

purbach是什么意思 purbach的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:And yet, we are also separate individuals. We must come to terms with pur struggles alone. (们又是不同的个体,我们必须各自面对自己的奋斗。)


例句:Was ist das? Ist das Bach? Nein, nein. Mozart. (是什么曲?是巴赫?不,不,是莫扎特。)


1. Chiaki made Bach seem so easy. (翻译:如果我不朝前方前进 巴哈 弹成那样 也能准确弹出来了)

2. Two sent me a boxed set of all the Bach sacred cantatas. (翻译:有两位朋友送给我一套盒装版的巴赫声乐作品《神圣的康塔塔》全集。)

3. Bach married Anna Magdalena in 1721. He died in 1750. (翻译:巴赫于xx年与魏亚蜜结婚,于xx年去世。)

4. Wand Ba Er, bat bach to bonitina! (翻译:王不二 你给我回来 Wand Ba Er, bat bach to bonitina!)

5. Susan Johnson-Bach will be in control of one of the largest trusts in the world. (翻译:苏珊约翰逊 巴赫将在控制 对世界上最大的信托基金之一。)

6. So Bach is to demons... what garlic is to vampires. (翻译:所以巴赫相对与邪灵 就好像大蒜相对于吸血鬼)

7. The physical, chemical and technical properties of the PUR pouring material developed were compared with that of the foreign PU200. (翻译:对所研制的聚氨酯灌封料理化性能和工艺性能同进口料PU200进行了比较。)

8. Don't tell me you suggested Bach for our program. (翻译:吉米现在去厕所了 难道 马莱乐团的计划草案中 演奏巴赫的曲目)

9. I have been a client at Kenner, Bach for 12 years! (翻译:xx年来,我一直都是你们肯纳、巴赫 事务所的客户)

10. The Xbox division also reports to Mr Bach. (翻译:Xbox也是巴赫先生旗下的一个部门。)

11. It was several minutes before we realized we were talking at cross-pur-poses. (翻译:过了好几分钟我们才意识到我们说的是两码事。)

12. His name is bach- johann sebastian bach. (翻译:他叫巴赫 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫 {\3cH202020}His name is Bach - - Johann Sebastian Bach.)

13. You've reached the voicemail of Arthur Edens at Kenner, Bach Ledeen. (翻译:您现在访问的是肯纳、巴赫和莱迪恩事务所 亚瑟·伊顿的语音信箱)

14. And then in 1990, he starts at Kenner, Bach Ledeen. (翻译:xx年,他开始在肯纳、巴赫和莱迪恩 律师事务所工作)

15. Below is a video demo using Bach's Menuet in G. (翻译:下面是一个视频演示使用在G巴赫的小步舞曲。)

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