purchasing managers index是什么意思 purchasing managers index的中文翻译、读音

purchasing managers index是什么意思 purchasing managers index的中文翻译、读音

purchasing managers index的意思是"经",作为名词时有"采购经理人指数"的意思,单词读音音标为[purchasingmanagersindex],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到15个与purchasing managers index相关的句子。

Purchasing managers index的词典翻译


例句:I talked to all the stage managers and her fellow dancers. (没有 我和所有的剧务 No. I talked to all the stage managers 还有她的同事都谈过了 and her fellow dancers.)


例句:The example modifies index.zul and renames it to hybrid.zul. (示例修改 index.zul 并将其重命名为 hybrid.zul。)


purchasing managers index一般作为名词使用,如在Purchasing Managers' index([网络] 采购经理人指数;采购经理指数;中国物流与采购联合会)、purchasing managers(采购经理)、managers(n. 管理者, 经理(manager复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

Purchasing Managers' index[网络] 采购经理人指数;采购经理指数;中国物流与采购联合会
purchasing managers采购经理
managersn. 管理者, 经理(manager复数)
purchasing[计] 采购的
download managers[网络] 下载管理软件
economics for managers[经管] 管理经济学
district managers区域经理;地方经理
file managersun. 文件管理程序;文件管理器
floor managers(电视)舞台监督


1. She was telling me about something called the index. (翻译:她告诉我一个叫名单的东西 She was telling me about something called the Index.)

2. Manufacturing engineer and manager review and approve Mould Block Purchasing Order and Big Tessera Steel Purchasing Order. (翻译:制造工程师和制作部经理则分别在模胚订购清单>和大肉钢材订购单>审核、批准; )

3. Assist purchasing clerk to urge the shipment of the undelivered goods. (翻译:协助采购催收应到而未到的物品。)

4. There are multiple index levels to this thing. (翻译:这玩意有多重索引 There are multiple index levels to this thing.)

5. The chef, staff, and managers are all Chinese. (翻译:厨师、工作人员和经理都是中国人。)

6. But now, Sans chip, this guy manages to decrypt the index for me. (翻译:但现在 移除了芯片 But now, sans chip, 这家伙为我破解了名单 this guy manages to decrypt the index for me.)

7. Yeah, to being on the index. (翻译:没错 成了一个目标 Yeah, to being on the index.)

8. If investors are rational, and cannot be sure whether active managers have skill, why do they not just put their money in index- trackers ? (翻译:如果投资人是理性的,并且不能肯定哪个管理人有技能,那么为什么他们不将其资金投向追踪指数的股票呢?)

9. Diess also revealed that managers are still discussing joint purchasing in North America, where both carmakers have factories. (翻译:Diess还发现,经理们仍在讨论联合采购在北美,在那里都设有工厂。)

10. The role of salaried managers in the zaibatsu. (翻译:财阀职业经理人的作用。)

11. All managers are jerks. (翻译:所有经理都是混蛋。)

12. A global NPM Purchasing Director and regional purchasing leads are in place to work with our purchasers at our many plants. (翻译:全球和地区采购NPM采购总监都在工作场所和我们的采购商在我们的许多植物。)

13. And Purchasing for Progress today is in 21 countries. (翻译:今天,“为发展而购买”项目在二十一个国家进行着,)

14. I forbid all cinema managers to sing! (翻译:是的,我禁止... 禁止那个影院经理唱歌)

15. Some managers find it difficult to delegate. (翻译:有些经理认为难以做到知人善任。)

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