purchasing expense是什么意思 purchasing expense的中文翻译、读音、例句

purchasing expense是什么意思 purchasing expense的中文翻译、读音、例句

purchasing expense的意思是"购买费用",在日常中也代表"经"的意思,读音为[purchasingexpense],purchasing expense是一个英语名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到32个与purchasing expense相关的例句。

Purchasing expense的中文翻译


例句:Thank you for purchasing a new iPod touch. It is a remarkable deve! (非常感谢你购买新一代 touch,这是一款卓越的产品! )


例句:Then, the Purchasing Department for purchasing medical equipment, examining estimates, looking at price lists and catalogues... (还有采购科 Then, the Purchasing Department 采购医疗物资 for purchasing medical equipment, 核查估价 管理分类报价单 examining estimates, lookingat price lists and catalogues...)


purchasing expense一般作为名词使用,如在purchasing department expense([经] 购货部门费用)、purchasing([计] 采购的)、expense(花费 )等常见短语中出现较多。

purchasing department expense[经] 购货部门费用
purchasing[计] 采购的
discretionary purchasingun. 可自由处置所得
exclusive purchasing独家采购
foreign purchasingun. 国外采购
functionalization in purchasing中央集权式采购
group purchasing团购
house purchasing置业
keyword purchasing关键字采购


1. The real purchasing power of the rouble has plummeted. (翻译:卢布的实际购买力已直线下降。)

2. Be re o ible and engage in the investment purchasing, material purchasing as a ign ed by immediate Director. (翻译:负责并参与直接领导确认的投资采购,材料采购。)

3. Friendczar is aggressive about purchasing and absorbing small start-ups. (翻译:Friendczar在收购吞并小型 新兴公司方面很有侵略性)

4. Manufacturing engineer and manager review and approve Mould Block Purchasing Order and Big Tessera Steel Purchasing Order. (翻译:制造工程师和制作部经理则分别在模胚订购清单>和大肉钢材订购单>审核、批准; )

5. BAAN training internal Purchasing department regularly or required. (翻译:根据需求或者定期为采购部门做BAAN系统培训。)

6. So, you want to protect your power at the expense of the patients. (翻译:那么 你想保护你的权力 So, you want to protect your power 不惜牺牲你的病患 at the expense of the patients.)

7. Responsible for indirect material purchasing of related MGS code. (翻译:负责博世力士乐常州相关材料组的间接生产物料采购。)

8. Hillary, you won an all-expense-paid trip to the dry-erase board. (翻译:you won an all -expense -paid trip)

9. Slowly, dads evolved at the expense of cads. (翻译:慢慢地,“爸爸”们以牺牲风流本性为代价进化了。)

10. But at the slightest hint that she's a live, they will spare no expense no expense and no trouble. (翻译:可是只要有细微的一点线索说明她还活着, 他们都会不惜一切... 不惜一切代价.)

11. Purchasing foreign currency This man is purchasing foreign currencies with a pile of money in his hands. (翻译:《收购外币的人》在街上握着大叠钞票,收购外币的人。)

12. Consider purchasing a HEPA filter to remove the greatest amount of allergens. (翻译:考虑买一部高效微粒空气过滤器,最大程度地消除过敏源的存在。)

13. Vegetables gained real estate at your expense. (翻译:乳品 蔬菜 水果 谷物 蛋白质 而蔬菜协会则抢占了你失去的地盘)

14. Depreciation is a noncash expense. (翻译:折旧不是现金费用。)

15. She wants that kid out on the street at the expense of public safety. (翻译:ぃ臮そ渤称琵ê砆礚竜睦 She wants that kid out on the street at the expense of public safety.)

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