purring thrill是什么意思 purring thrill的中文翻译、读音、例句

purring thrill是什么意思 purring thrill的中文翻译、读音、例句

purring thrill的意思是"医",还有猫鸣状震颤的意思,单词读音音标为[purringthrill],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到44个与purring thrill相关的句子。

Purring thrill的翻译


例句:See,what happened to the thrill seeker that seduced me in the elevator? (那个在电梯里勾引我 寻求刺激的女人怎么了?)


例句:It would give him a thrill. (让他爽歪歪 It would give him a thrill.)


purring thrill一般作为名词使用,如在purring([医] 猫喘音样的)、thrill to([网络] 感到兴奋的;激动)、purring accentuated([医] 猫鼾杂音, 猫叫音)等常见短语中出现较多。

purring[医] 猫喘音样的
thrill to[网络] 感到兴奋的;激动
purring accentuated[医] 猫鼾杂音, 猫叫音
purring murmur猫咕状杂音
purring tremor[医] 猫喘样震颤
fat thrill[医] 脂肪性震颤
hydatid thrill[医] 棘球蚴震颤
liver thrill肝震颤
presystolic thrill[医] 收缩期前震颤


1. Man a grateful john engler enjoys the thrill of his victory (翻译:心存感激的约翰 恩格勒 {\3cH202020}A grateful John Engler 享受着第三次当选 {\3cH202020}enjoys the thrill of his victory for a third term)

2. Adventure, fame, the thrill of a lifetime, and a long sea voyage. (翻译:冒险,名誉,值得一生回味的经历 还有海上的长途旅行)

3. Perverse thrill of a man competing with the purity of artistic expression. (翻译:一个男人与艺术表达的纯粹性抗争时的 执拗的震颤)

4. Purring like a kitten, Captain. (翻译:螕慰?蚁纬慰?蚁委味蔚喂 蟽伪谓 纬伪蟿慰蠉位伪.)

5. He confessed and said he was hungry and did it for the thrill. (翻译:男孩供认不讳随后称他很饿、盗窃是为了寻刺激。)

6. It is the fiery, mangly potential that gives it the thrill! (翻译:这是火热的,mangly潜力 这给它的快感!)

7. Purring like a hive of bees, his eyes shut tight, his whiskers all fingertips. (翻译:喵呜叫就像一群蜜蜂 它眼睛紧闭上 胡子当指尖)

8. Vets suggest that this purring tells "Mom" that "I am okay" and that "I am here" . (翻译:兽医们认为这是在告诉猫妈妈“我挺好的”和“我在这儿呢”之类的信息。)

9. "I call it purring, not growling," said Alice. (翻译:“我认为它是喵喵叫,不是咆哮。”爱丽丝说。)

10. I get such a thrill when you looking my eyes. (翻译:I get such a thrill when you look in my eyes)

11. You thrill me, you delight me (翻译:You thrill me, you delight me)

12. No, I hate to cop to it, buddy, but the thrill is gone. (翻译:没门! 不 我讨厌承认 兄弟 但刺激过去了)

13. The thrill isn't the same when you stake your life riding as is the thrill when you stake your heart in love. (翻译:你把生命下赌注的激动. 和你把心放在爱的赌注里的激动是不一样的)

14. Thrill to the oceanfront finish on the Ernie Els golf course. (翻译:令人兴奋的事上的海滨高尔夫球场埃尔斯完成。)

15. Wendy's heart went flutter with a sudden thrill. (翻译:温迪的心突然激动得一阵颤动。)

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