put through是什么意思 put through的中文翻译、读音、例句

put through是什么意思 put through的中文翻译、读音、例句

作为一名英语老师,我可以从以下几个方面详细解释'put through'这个单词或者缩写词:

1. 定义和用法:'put through'是一个动词短语,通常用于描述完成某项工作或任务的过程,特别是在涉及到电话、交易或手续方面的情况下。

2. 语法和句型:'put through'是一个常见的及物动词短语,需要与宾语一起使用,常常以被动语态出现。例如:“The call has been put through to the manager”(电话已经转接到经理那里)。

3. 同义词和反义词:'put through'的一些同义词包括transfer、connect、put over等,反义词则包括hang up、cut off等。

4. 常见用途和场合:'put through'经常在商业、金融、政府和其他行业中使用,特别是在涉及到电话、银行交易、证书手续等方面。例如:“Could you put me through to the billing department, please?”(请你把我转接到账单部门好吗?)

5. 中英例句:

- The operator put me through immediately to the customer service department.(接线员立即把我接通客服部门。)

- I need to put this transaction through as soon as possible.(我需要尽快完成这笔交易。)

- The clerk put the paperwork through and we were finally able to get our business license.(职员处理好了手续,我们终于拿到了营业执照。)

- The bank is experiencing technical difficulties, so we can't put the transfer through at this time.(银行正在经历技术难题,所以我们现在无法完成转账。)

- The company put through a new policy to improve employee benefits.(公司推出了一项新政策,改善员工福利。)


读音:[pʊt θruː]


1. I tried to call him, but his phone was busy and I couldn't get through.(我想给他打电话,但是他的电话一直占线我就没有接通。)

2. The customer service representative put me through to a supervisor.(客服代表将我转接到了主管处。)

3. She had to go through a lot of obstacles before she could finally put through her proposal.(她在提出建议之前必须克服许多障碍。)

put through的中文解释是"搞成",其次还有"接通"的意思,读音为[putthrough],put through来源于英语,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到16个与put through相关的例句。

Put through的词典翻译


例句:Just put your head through it. (请拿好 我送给您 Tenez, je vous la donne.)


例句:Put it out through someone else, before she gets the chance. (她得到机会前,让别人公布出去 Put it out through someone else, before she gets the chance.)


put through一般作为名词使用,如在put ... through(na. 经受;测试;试验;使…通过\n[网络] 接通;完成;把……接通)、through put(流能力,流量,[物料]通过量,通流量;生产能力,[生]产量,处理量;容许功率,通过功率;吞吐能力,容许能力)、put something through(做成,完成)等常见短语中出现较多。

put ... throughna. 经受;测试;试验;使…通过\n[网络] 接通;完成;把……接通
through put流能力,流量,[物料]通过量,通流量;生产能力,[生]产量,处理量;容许功率,通过功率;吞吐能力,容许能力
put something through做成,完成
through put capacityun. 通过性\n[网络] 通过量;额定容量
through put powerun. 转输功率变压器\n[网络] 额定功率
through put rateun. 物料通过速率\n[网络] 吞吐率
put putn. 〈口〉(车辆,发动机等发出的)噗噗声\nv. (汽艇,摩托车等)发出噗噗声\n[网络] 放;放置;放放
put ... atna. 估量作\n[网络] 计算;估计;估计为
put ... byna. 积蓄;避开(人,质问等);搁在一边;同“put aside ”\n[网络] 储蓄;储存;回避


1. I wanted to put Coulson through his paces. Ah. (翻译:我想要考验一下科尔森的能力 I wanted to put Coulson through his paces.)

2. The mummy can crash through walls and turn into a swarm of beetles and put a curse on anyone. (翻译:木乃伊可以毁掉墙壁 The mummy can crash through walls 变成一群甲虫 and turn into a swarm of beetles 还能诅咒任何人 and put a curse on anyone.)

3. Go to see through the window (翻译:Go to see through the window)

4. Through the portal, Stormwind! (翻译:Through the portal, Stormwind!)

5. Put a call through to Richmond Airbase. (翻译:打个电话到里士满空军基地 Put a call through to Richmond Airbase.)

6. Through pastures green. .. (翻译:Through pastures green. ..)

7. And we could put it through our books as, er, training. (翻译:我们可以把它计入我们的账目 And we could put it through our books training.)

8. Could you put me through to one of your guests? (翻译:能帮忙接通一下 你们一位顾客的电话吗? Could you put me through to one of your guests?)

9. Please, put through that call, Ronnie. (翻译:请联系上,罗尼 Please, put through that call, Ronnie.)

10. Chase my dreams through the polluted air (翻译:Chase my dreams through the polluted air Chase my dreams through the polluted air)

11. {i1 cH30D3F4}A light shining through (翻译:* A light shining through *)

12. Eva put herself through that much pain. (翻译:伊娃让自己受了那么多罪 Eva put herself through that much pain.)

13. You put through every call and send in every visitor. (翻译:你接进了每个电话,放进了每个来访者 You put through every call and send in every visitor.)

14. The operator will put you through. (翻译:接线员将为你接通电话。)

15. Fever all through the night (翻译:Fever all through the night)

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