pyrobitumous shale是什么意思 pyrobitumous shale的中文翻译、读音、例句

pyrobitumous shale是什么意思 pyrobitumous shale的中文翻译、读音、例句

pyrobitumous shale通常被翻译为"焦沥青页岩"的意思,其中文解释还有"焦沥青页岩"的意思,在线发音:[pyrobitumousshale],pyrobitumous shale是一个英语名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到59个与pyrobitumous shale相关的句子。

Pyrobitumous shale的中文翻译


例句:It can run on natural gas as a result of the inventions of fracking and shale gas, which we have here. (可以依靠天然气作为能源 由于水力压裂的发明 和页岩气的储备 也就是目前所使用的方法 )


pyrobitumous shale一般作为名词使用,如在shale(页岩 )、dispersed shale(分散泥质)、dunnet shale(油页岩)等常见短语中出现较多。

dispersed shale分散泥质
dunnet shale油页岩
expanded shale膨胀页岩
expansive shale膨胀性页岩
feldspathic shale长石页岩;长石质页岩
gas shale油页岩;气油页岩
graptolite shale笔石页岩
Haffotty shale[岩] 哈弗特页岩


1. In Estonia three types of shale tar have been used as alternatives to anthracene oil or carbolineum. (翻译:在爱沙尼亚,已有三种页岩焦油用作蒽油或氯化蒽油的替换物。)

2. This layer is known as the bright angel shale. (翻译:这层被称为光明天使页岩 This layer is known as the bright angel shale.)

3. Geologic features and genesis of the haydite shale deposit in the Jiutai-Changchun convex belt (翻译:九台-长春凸起带中陶粒页岩矿床地质特征及成因)

4. To meet the need of big screening area of shale shaker, a kind of trimotor ellipse vibrating shale shaker based on synthesizing of linear and circular motion is presented. (翻译:为了满足大筛面面积钻井振动筛的需要,介绍了一种基于直线运动和圆运动合成原理的三电机椭圆钻井振动筛。)

5. The geological features of the Huayuan haydite shale deposit, Nong'an, Jilin Province and its origin study (翻译:吉林省农安县花园陶粒页岩矿床地质特征及成因探讨)

6. Coal is mainly composed of organic macerals. Shale, oil shale and carbargilite are between both of the above. (翻译:暗色泥岩以矿物为主,煤则以有机组分为主,页岩、油页岩及碳质泥岩介于二者之间。)

7. The devolatilization characteristics of Wangqing oil shale were studied in a laboratory scale fluidized bed. (翻译:本文在自行搭建的小型流化床实验台上进行了油页岩脱挥发分试验研究。)

8. The senator and Shale we know. (翻译:议员和Shale 这些我们都知道 The senator and Shale we know.)

9. However, the TOC content is much lower than the black shale in West Tethys. (翻译:但是,其有机碳含量与西特提斯相比明显偏低。)

10. Raw oil shale is transported into four measuring bins by belt conveyers. (翻译:油母页岩原矿通过带式运输机送至四个量料斗。)

11. FOX, VOICE-OVER: Now, there are 15,000 gas wells in the Barnett Shale. (翻译:巴尼特现在Shalella 15 000气井。)

12. The devolatilization characteristics of Wangqing oil shale were studied in a laboratory scale fluidized bed. (翻译:本文在自行搭建的小型流化床实验台上进行了油页岩脱挥发分试验研究。)

13. Upper Neoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group phyllite, arenopelitic shale; (翻译:新元古界双桥山上亚群千枚岩、 板岩; )

14. The Burgess Shale formation also has fossils of many extinct representatives of modern animal groups. (翻译:伯吉斯页岩地层中也有许多代表着现代动物群中已经灭绝的物种的化石。)

15. The clay minerals in shale are mainly hydromica, next to it is kaolinite, halloysite, montmorillonite and little allophane. (翻译:页岩中的粘土矿物主要为水云母,次为高岭石、多水高岭石、蒙脱石,少量水铝英石。)

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