pyrolizer是什么意思 pyrolizer的中文翻译、读音、例句

pyrolizer是什么意思 pyrolizer的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Liz, meet your protection. (meet your protection.)

例句:Because you're an idiot, you don't want anyone at the surgery knowing you're in therapy, so that restricts you to lunchtime sessions with someone reasonably close. (er... Sherlock asked me to come. about two weeks.)


1. My name's "Liz," not "lizzy." To you, I'm agent Keen. (翻译:我叫Liz 不是Lizzy 而你应该叫我Keen探员)

2. Er... probka dlia vanni here? (翻译:Er... probka dlia vanni here?)

3. Yeah, yeah, anyways, I was wondering, have you seen Frank... (翻译:did you get an admission into the ER)

4. -Is, Bradley here? (翻译:- Er, I suppose. -Is, er... is Bradley here?)

5. Liz Gilbert, you are a Roman woman now. (翻译:Liz Gilbert 你现在是罗马女人了)

6. Liz laughed, stretching luxuriously. (翻译:莉兹一边大笑,一边心情舒畅地伸了个懒腰。)

7. Er... what minutes, Humphrey? (翻译:什么纪要 汉弗莱? Er... what minutes, Humphrey?)

8. Sheep, er, dissection and trepanning and then and then over here it says, er it says 'she is doing it'. (翻译:解剖 锯开 然后... Sheep, er, dissection and trepanning and then... 在这边写...)

9. - Er... may I ask your profession, sir? (翻译:- Hat on or hat off? - Er... may I ask your profession, sir?)

10. My moth er is a doctor and my fath er is a teach er . We all learn English together. (翻译:我妈妈是一个医生,我爸爸是一名教师。我们一起学英语。)

11. But, er... you know, things get busy and, er... (翻译:但是忙着忙着就昏头了 But, er... you know, things get busy and,)

12. Er, actually, do you speak Welsh? (翻译:你会讲韦尔斯语吗? Er, actually, do you speak Welsh?)

13. Pyro Available on White, Pink and Blue. (翻译:可以搭配白色、粉红色和蓝色。)

14. No... er... that's all right, actually. (翻译:不... 实际上 没什么 No... er...)

15. Liz caught his arm. (翻译:利兹抓住了他的胳膊。)

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