qianlong porcelain是什么意思 qianlong porcelain的中文翻译、读音、例句

qianlong porcelain是什么意思 qianlong porcelain的中文翻译、读音、例句

qianlong porcelain的中文解释是"乾隆瓷",作为名词时有"乾隆瓷"的意思,发音是[ˈtʃjɑ:nˈlʊŋ],qianlong porcelain是一个英语名词,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到75个与qianlong porcelain相关的例句。

Qianlong Porcelain的词典翻译


例句:Liling before the art of porcelain gifts for the country, the country also known as porcelain. (以前醴陵的艺术瓷专供国家礼品,也叫国瓷。)


qianlong porcelain一般作为名词使用,如在Qianlong Porcelain(乾隆瓷)、qianlong(乾隆)、porcelain(瓷器 )等常见短语中出现较多。

Qianlong Porcelain乾隆瓷
dielectric porcelain介电瓷
Dihl porcelain迪尔硬瓷器
diopside porcelain透辉石质瓷
domestic porcelain日用瓷器
Doccia porcelain(意大利)多西亚软瓷器
Dresden porcelain(迈森瓷器的别名)德雷斯登瓷器
engraved porcelain雕瓷


1. Emperor QianLong built the buddhist GuanYin Hall for his mother - to pray for her happiness and longevity. (翻译:乾隆皇帝为其母建造了这个佛教的观音殿,为了让她幸福长寿。)

2. The Qianlong court in the Qing Dynasty was dressed in silk from Jili. (翻译:清朝乾隆年间,皇帝的龙袍就是用辑里丝制成的。)

3. Arlott squirreled away books, pictures and porcelain plates. (翻译:阿洛特将书本、图片和瓷盘瓷碟都藏起来。)

4. In 2002, Qianlong Budokan was hired as head coach of Sanda. (翻译:xx年被潜龙武道馆聘为散打主教练。)

5. The Fair in Leipzig and fine porcelain in Meissen are well known around the world. (翻译:莱比锡的博览会和迈森的精美瓷器更是享誉世界。)

6. Uh, the porcelain keeps the suit from wrinkling. (翻译:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}你干嘛睡在我们的浴缸里? {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}Why are you sleeping in our tub?)

7. Celadon is the earliest porcelain in the world. (翻译:青瓷是世界上出现最早的瓷器。)

8. Had Lord Macartney and the Qianlong emperor agreed on such an approach, it might have changed the course of modern history. (翻译:如果当初马嘎尔尼和干隆皇帝达成此类共识,或许会改变近代历史的进程。)

9. The matriarch, my grandma, has a porcelain skin and cotton-like hair. (翻译:我的祖母,是一位女酋长 她有着陶瓷般的皮肤和棉密的头发 )

10. Also legend Emperor Qianlong ordered a year take the structure ladder, want to personally see what was going on. (翻译:还传说乾隆皇帝有xx年命人搭构云梯,想亲自上去看个究竟。)

11. There is porcelain vase of blue on windowsill , inserting Huang Yanyan's chrysanthemum. (翻译:窗台上有着蓝色的瓷花瓶,插着黄艳艳的菊花。)

12. Among the porcelain, among some talk of you and me. (翻译:在瓷器之间 在关乎你我的言谈之俦 among the porcelain, among some talk of you and me,)

13. in official and civilian kilns , underglaze blue porcelain was the dominant form of porcelain production. (翻译:无论是官窑或民窑,青花瓷器都是当时瓷器生产的主流。)

14. Chenghua porcelain Han Chinese porcelain firing rarity. (翻译:成化瓷是汉族瓷器烧制的稀世珍品。)

15. Famille rose porcelain has a strong decorative power. (翻译:粉彩瓷是装饰性最强的一种精美瓷器。)

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