quantum geometrodynamics是什么意思 quantum geometrodynamics的中文翻译、读音、例

quantum geometrodynamics是什么意思 quantum geometrodynamics的中文翻译、读音、例

quantum geometrodynamics在中文中有"量子"的意思,还有量子几何动力学的意思,单词读音音标为[quantumgeometrodynamics],quantum geometrodynamics是一个英语名词,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到22个与quantum geometrodynamics相关的例句。

Quantum geometrodynamics的翻译


例句:But quantum and relativity... (但量子论和相对论... But quantum and relativity...)


例句:Do you have the quantum data? (你拿到量子数据了吗? Do you have the quantum data?)


quantum geometrodynamics一般作为名词使用,如在geometrodynamics([计] 几何动力学)、discrete quantum(分立量子;离散量子)、elementary quantum([化] 普朗克常数; 普朗克作用量子)等常见短语中出现较多。

geometrodynamics[计] 几何动力学
discrete quantum分立量子;离散量子
elementary quantum[化] 普朗克常数; 普朗克作用量子
energy quantum能量子
excitation quantum激发量子
export quantum出口量
field quantum场量子
fluorescent quantum萤光量子
flux quantum磁通量子


1. The phenomenon you saw here for a brief moment is called quantum levitation and quantum locking. (翻译:你们在这里看到的这个短暂的现象是 被称为量子悬浮和量子锁定。)

2. This is a quantum entanglement bridge. (翻译:这是量子纠缠桥 This is a quantum entanglement bridge.)

3. The QCL quantum computer simulator. (翻译:q cl量子计算机模拟器。)

4. Only the magnetic quantum field is complete. (翻译:当磁性量子场完成之后它才能运作 Only the magnetic quantum field is complete.)

5. Signals are locked with quantum cryptology bounced through a dozen different... satellites. (翻译:信号被量子密码系统锁定... Signals are locked with quantum cryptology... 经过十几颗不同的卫星 ...bounced through a dozen different satellites.)

6. But not here, because it is a quantum effect. (翻译:但在这里并非如此。因为这是一种量子效应。)

7. Why? Because it is a quantum phenomenon. It's quantum physics. (翻译:为什么?因为这是量子现象。是量子物理学。)

8. It does happen in quantum mechanics. (翻译:它确实发生在量子力学中。)

9. And what we do have I need for my quantum excitation study. (翻译:剩下的那些 我要拿来做量子激发研究 And what we do have I need for my quantum excitation study.)

10. Why? Because it is a quantum phenomenon. It's quantum physics. (翻译:为什么?因为这是量子现象。是量子物理学。)

11. I cannot come with you due to the magnetics of the quantum field. (翻译:由于量子场有磁性 I cannot come with you 我不能和你们一起走 due to the magnetics of the quantum field.)

12. Quantum harmonic oscillation theory, like the professor said. (翻译:量子谐振理论 就像教授说的那样 Quantum harmonic oscillation theory, like the professor said.)

13. If we imagine quantum mechanics or quantum physics, then, as the fundamental foundation of reality itself, then it's not surprising that we say quantum physics underpins organic chemistry. (翻译:如果我们把量子力学或量子物理学想象成 现实世界的最根本基础,那么, 量子物理学支撑了有机化学, 这种说法就不足为奇了。)

14. This is one of the best-known phenomena in the quantum world, quantum tunneling. (翻译:这是量子世界里最有名的现象之一, 叫做量子隧穿。)

15. I have written a book on quantum physics and many books... explicating the meaning of quantum physics. (翻译:我写过一本关于量子物理的书, 还写了很多解释量子物理的意义的书。)

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