quiddative是什么意思 quiddative的中文翻译、读音、例句

quiddative是什么意思 quiddative的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:About two million quid, I think. (好像是200万磅 About two million quid, I think.)


例句:Your Honor, this quid pro quo makes this witness unreliable. (法官大人 这样的交换条件 使得证人不可靠)


1. Got half a million quid just sitting there, waiting to be picked up. (翻译:我们可是在这上面花了好几千的 还要等机会)

2. "Troubled rock star, Johnny Quid, is missing, presumed dead yesterday... (翻译:爱惹麻烦的摇滚巨星,Johnny Quid, 从时尚界某名人的...)

3. Turner secured his 30 million quid thanks to Lewis Conroy. (翻译:多亏了路易斯・康罗伊 特纳的三千万英镑有着落了)

4. They share a great deal of information on a quid pro quo basis. (翻译:他们在互利的基础上进行大量的信息共享。)

5. No interview, no application, no quid pro quo, which means this case is far from over. (翻译:没有面试 没有申请 没有交换条件 也就是说这案子远远没有结束)

6. This is called a dative bond. (翻译:这种化学键称为配位键。)

7. Listen, friend, what we need Is one-and-a-half million quid! (翻译:听着 朋友 现在需要150万磅救命钱 Listen, friend, what we need Is one -and -a)

8. Dative - Mein em gut en Freund, to my good friend. (翻译:第三格—Mein em gut en Freund to my good friend。)

9. And if she was getting any help, it would be a quid quo pro deal. (翻译:如果她要获得帮助 必定是一场各取所需的交易)

10. He actually got 20 quid. Fantastic, right? (翻译:但他们竟然赚了 20 英镑, 很不可思议,对吧? )

11. Ms. Swift, for the record, you never had any quid pro quo with... (翻译:斯威夫特女士 郑重证明下 你从来没有和德烈夏先生有过)

12. No, really, I only popped in here to make Uncle James a few quid. (翻译:不是的 事实上 我突然造访 是想给James叔叔一些内部消息)

13. So either he's worth a few quid or he's planning not to pay. (翻译:那他要不是很有钱 要么就是他 根本没打算给钱罗)

14. - So, we make about 500 quid a month. (翻译:-我们每个月能挣500块 -真的假的 - So, we make about 500 quid a month.)

15. There's one thing to settle-- the hundred quid for the final payment in the arena. (翻译:摔跤场最后100块钱的付款 我们都搞定了)

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