micropogonias undulatus是什么意思 micropogonias undulatus的中文翻译、读音、例句

micropogonias undulatus是什么意思 micropogonias undulatus的中文翻译、读音、例句

'Micropogonias undulatus'是英语词语,中文翻译为"波纹小鳕"。这是一种存在于美洲的海洋鱼类,主要分布在大西洋和墨西哥湾沿岸地区。这种鱼通常生活在沙质海底和海湾入口,在潮汐和水流较为活跃的区域可以捕获到。它们通常会形成小群体活动,以浮游动物、甲壳类和小型鱼类为食。

以下是9个含有'Micropogonias undulatus'的例句:

1. The Micropogonias undulatus is a common species of fish found in the Atlantic coast of North America.(波纹小鳕是北美大西洋沿岸常见的鱼类。)

2. The Micropogonias undulatus is known for its barbels, which are used for sensory purposes.(波纹小鳕以其鬚须而闻名,这些鬚须用于感官目的。)

3. I caught a Micropogonias undulatus while fishing in the Gulf of Mexico.(我在墨西哥湾钓到了一条波纹小鳕。)

4. The Micropogonias undulatus is also commonly called the Atlantic croaker.(波纹小鳕也常被称为大西洋锯鳐。)

5. The Micropogonias undulatus has a distinctive silvery-grey color and a elongated body shape.(波纹小鳕具有独特的银灰色外观和延长的身体形状。)

6. The Micropogonias undulatus is a popular target for recreational fisherman.(波纹小鳕是垂钓爱好者的受欢迎目标。)

7. The Micropogonias undulatus is an important commercial fish species in the United States.(波纹小鳕是美国重要的商业鱼类。)

8. The Micropogonias undulatus is closely related to other croaker species, such as the southern kingfish.(波纹小鳕与其他锯鳐种类,如南方鲭鱼密切相关。)

9. The Micropogonias undulatus is sensitive to changes in water temperature and water quality.(波纹小鳕对水温和水质的变化很敏感。)

micropogonias undulatus在中文中有"波纹绒须石首鱼、大西洋黄鱼"的意思,在英美地区还有"细须石首鱼"的意思,发音是[micropogoniasundulatus],micropogonias undulatus是一个英语名词,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到86个与micropogonias undulatus相关的句子。

Micropogonias undulatus的释义


例句:In Herz und in Hand. (把手放在心口前。)


例句:The toilet is water efficient und eco-friendly. (马桶既省水又环保 The toilet is water efficient und eco -friendly.)


例句:No watermarking your Franklin. (没有富兰克林的水印 没有微印刷 No watermarking of Franklin, no micro)


例句:That 18 percent in the micro-budget range -- that is on us to fix. (翻译:那在微型电影里的18% --那是我们要解决的问题。)


micropogonias undulatus一般作为名词使用,如在Micropogonias undulatus([网络] 细须石首鱼;波纹绒须石首鱼;大西洋黄鱼)、Micropogonias([网络] 绒须石首鱼属;细须石首鱼属)、undulatus(波形的, 波状(云), [气]浪云)等常见短语中出现较多。

Micropogonias undulatus[网络] 细须石首鱼;波纹绒须石首鱼;大西洋黄鱼
Micropogonias[网络] 绒须石首鱼属;细须石首鱼属
undulatus波形的, 波状(云), [气]浪云
genus Micropogonias[网络] 属微囊藻属
micropogonias undulatuss[网络] 细须石首鱼;波纹绒须石首鱼;大西洋黄鱼\n(micropogonias undulatus 的复数)
diostracus undulatus波纹长足虻
gymnothorax undulatus疏斑裸胸鯙;波纹裸胸鳝;波纹裸胸鯙;钱鳗;薯鳗;虎鳗;糬鳗;青痣;青头仔, 波纹斑裸胸鯙
Macropanax undulatusn. 波缘大参
Melopsittacus undulatus[网络] 虎皮鹦鹉
Menticirrhus undulatus[网络] 波纹无鳔石首鱼


1. No watermarking your Franklin. (翻译:没有富兰克林的水印 没有微印刷 No watermarking of Franklin, no micro)

2. That 18 percent in the micro-budget range -- that is on us to fix. (翻译:那在微型电影里的18% --那是我们要解决的问题。)

3. Here's what makes iubareþul of dried leaves .... (翻译:这里是什么使 IUB鉹é⺷l的干树叶... ...)

4. "I hereby place you under arrest for the murder (翻译:我以谋杀Ceine Villeneuve Desgoffe und Taxis夫人的罪名)

5. His scientific background is that of a geographer Sinologist und ethnologist. (翻译:他的科学背景是一个地理学家汉学家和民族学家。)

6. That's Dmitri Desgoffe und Taxis! (翻译:另一边是Dmitri Desgoffe und Taxis!)

7. Good evening, Mr. Desgoffe und Taxis. I'm Monsieur Chuck. (翻译:晚上好 Desgoffe und Taxis先生 我是M.)

8. Knowledge in Product Safety regulation such as UL, SASO, etc. (翻译:有例如UL,SASO等国际认证的产品安全监管知识。)

9. If it seems like Pogo has been around as long as the Internet, that's because it has. (翻译:看起来Pogo在互联网上已经存在很长一段时间,确实就是如此。)

10. All of this means that you can immediately begin using POGOs as a replacement for your POJOs. (翻译:所有这些意味着您可以立即开始使用POGO作为POJO的替代选择。)

11. Film und Video Untertitelung Gerhard Lehmann AG (翻译:Film und Video Untertitelung Gerhard Lehmann AG)

12. POGO provides an archive of investigations in many areas, a blog, and a federal contractor misconduct database. (翻译:该项目提供了多方面的调查档案,博客,联邦成本商不法行为数据库。)

13. But one thing was certain, the Desgoffe und Taxis were a very powerful family, (翻译:但有一件事是肯定的 Desgoffe und Taxis家族十分有权势)

14. And now I remember I anointed funduleþul cream. (翻译:现在我还记得我膏 fundule? ol面霜。)

15. Thi innovative alaram clock is composed by a micro vibration device and a micro-chip. (翻译:这款新颖的闹钟由微振动装置和微型芯片组成。)


micropogonias undulatus作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、micropogonias、undulatuss等。

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