quinine phenate是什么意思 quinine phenate的中文翻译、读音、例句

quinine phenate是什么意思 quinine phenate的中文翻译、读音、例句

quinine phenate通常被翻译为"医"的意思,其次还有"苯酚奎宁"的意思,在线发音:[quininephenate],quinine phenate是一个英语名词,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到24个与quinine phenate相关的句子。

Quinine phenate的释义


例句:Using quinine bisulphate as a reference, fluorescence quantum yield of aloin was measured to be 0. 053. 3. (以硫酸奎宁为参比,测得了芦荟苷的荧光量子产率为0.)


例句:Researchers may have discovered why the popular antimalarial, quinine, causes debilitating side-effects. (科学家可能发现了常见抗疟药奎宁导致使人虚弱的副作用的原因。)


quinine phenate一般作为名词使用,如在phenate(n. [化](苯)酚盐,石炭酸盐)、quinine(奎宁 )、lead phenate([化] 苯酚铅)等常见短语中出现较多。

phenaten. [化](苯)酚盐,石炭酸盐
lead phenate[化] 苯酚铅
mercuric phenate[医] 酚汞
phenate butyl[医] 苯丁醚
pilocarpine phenate[医] 毛果芸香硷酚盐, 阿塞普托林
potassium phenate[化] 苯酚钾\n[医] 苯酚钾
sodium phenate[化] 苯酚钠
oleate of quinine[医] 油酸奎宁


1. At the time, quinine was the only viable medical treatment for malaria. (翻译:在那个时代,奎宁是唯一可以用来治疗疟疾的药物。)

2. He was attempting to manufacture quinine from aniline, an inexpensive and readily available coal tar waste product. (翻译:他试图用苯胺批量制造奎宁,苯胺是一种廉价且容易获得的煤焦油废料。)

3. No bandages, no salves, no quinine, no chloroform. (翻译:没有绷带,没有药膏,没有奎宁,没有麻醉剂。)

4. Striking hyperpigmentation developed on the arms of a 66-year-old man following protracted oral ingestion of quinine. (翻译:引人注目的色素沉着的武器开发的xx岁男子经过长期口服奎宁。)

5. The relationship of biological activity and LB film character of quinine derivatives was also discussed. (翻译:讨论了醌类化合物的成膜性能与生物活性之间的关系。)

6. Quinine trees brought in as a medical crop swamp natural habitat where rare birds like petrels nest (翻译:奎宁树原本作为药用植物被引入这里 现在却多得快要吞噬海燕筑巢的地方)

7. Cod, quinine, redheads, potatoes-even gerbils-have all had a book or two devoted to them. (翻译:鳕鱼,奎宁,红法人,马铃薯甚至沙鼠等都有一两本研究其的书籍。)

8. Quinine is an effectual preventive for malaria. (翻译:奎宁是有效的疟疾预防药。)

9. Using quinine bisulphate as a reference, fluorescence quantum yield of aloin was measured to be 0.053.3. (翻译:以硫酸奎宁为参比,测得了芦荟苷的荧光量子产率为0.053。)

10. Years of attempting to cure the disease with antibiotics and quinine drugs have caused the parasite to become resistant to treatment. (翻译:多年来试图使用抗生素和奎宁治疗这种疾病,已使这种寄生虫产生了抗药性。)

11. Quinine is known to cause nausea, blurred vision and hallucinations, but until now no one has been able to explain these side-effects. (翻译:奎宁已知能够导致恶心、视力模糊和幻觉,但是迄今为止还没有人能够解释这些副作用。)

12. If you've got malaria, we give you quinine or some derivative of it. (翻译:就好像如果你得了疟疾,我们给你奎宁, 或者相似的药物。)

13. The fluorescence quantum yields of scopoletin and scopolin were measured to be 0.71 and 0.21 respectively, using quinine sulfate as a reference. (翻译:以硫酸奎宁为参比,测得东莨菪内酯的荧光量子产率为0.71,东莨菪甙的荧光量子产率为0.21。)

14. If you've got malaria, we give you quinine or some derivative of it. (翻译:就好像如果你得了疟疾,我们给你奎宁, 或者相似的药物。)

15. Intrigued, Hahnemann took some quinine himself to see if it really had this effect. (翻译:出于兴趣,哈内曼自己吃了一些奎宁以观察是否真的有这种作用。)

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