quivered是什么意思 quivered的中文翻译、读音、例句

quivered是什么意思 quivered的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:His lips, dry and parched, quivered as he struggled to say one word. "Mom. " (他干裂的嘴唇哆嗦着,费力地吐出一个字:“妈”。)


例句:For a moment, the closed eye lids trembled, and the nostril quivered, and the faintest shadow of a smile was seen. (片刻间,闭合的眼睑颤动了一下,鼻孔翕动了一下,还可以看到那极为微弱的笑影。)


例句:All day as her mother slept, Anna watched the drop of dew that quivered over the front door. (一整天,妈妈都睡着,安娜盯着门前那滴不停颤动着的露珠。)


例句:The flakes of paint quivered on the rotten wood of the door as I knocked. (翻译:当我敲门的时候,破旧的门板上剥落的油漆块不住地跳动。)


1. All day as her mother slept, Anna watched the drop of dew that quivered over the front door. (翻译:一整天,妈妈都睡着,安娜盯着门前那滴不停颤动着的露珠。)

2. The flakes of paint quivered on the rotten wood of the door as I knocked. (翻译:当我敲门的时候,破旧的门板上剥落的油漆块不住地跳动。)

3. Her eyelids quivered slightly enough to tell me she had heard my voice her youngest daughter. (翻译:妈妈的眼睑轻轻的动了一下,告诉我,她听到她小女儿的声音了。)

4. (3)The very dust was scorched brown, and something quivered in the atmosphere as if the air itself was panting. (翻译:连那尘土都被炙烤成褐色;大气中似乎也有什么东西在颤抖,仿佛空气本身也在气喘吁吁。)

5. The skylark quivered its wings. (翻译:云雀抖动它的双翼。)

6. The needle swung up, quivered, and settled at 12. 32 percent. Faustin grunted. (翻译:仪表盘中的指针猛地向上抬起,一阵震动之后停留在12.32度上。)

7. I led the foray when the enemies were at the gate while your grandson, the king, quivered in fear behind the walls. (翻译:敌人攻至城门,是我带人突袭 而你那国王外孙 却躲在城墙后瑟瑟发抖)

8. Her lip quivered and then she started to cry. (翻译:她嘴唇微微一颤就哭了起来。)

9. The ropes quivered tautly under his hands. (翻译:他两手间绷紧的绳索微微抖动。)

10. the white lips no longer quivered--the eyes were suffused with a bluish vapor, and the long black lashes rested on a cheek white as wax. (翻译:那雪白嘴唇已停止了颤动;那一对眼睛似乎浮在浅蓝色的雾气里,又长又黑的头发散在那蜡白的脸颊上。)



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