rabble rousers是什么意思 rabble rousers的中文翻译、读音、例句

rabble rousers是什么意思 rabble rousers的中文翻译、读音、例句

rabble rousers的意思是"疯狂的狂人",在日常中也代表"网络"的意思,在线读音是[rabblerousers],rabble rousers来源于英语,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到25个与rabble rousers相关的句子。

Rabble rousers的翻译


例句:And we will produce a video resume that will set you above the rabble. (随后会制作一个视频简历 能让你在求职大军中脱颖而出)


例句:Manipulation, intrigue, wire-pulling, evasion, graft, rabble-rousing... (煽动 阴谋 操纵 推脱 贪赃枉法 蛊惑人心 Manipulation, intrigue, wire -pulling, evasion, graft, rabble -rousing...)


rabble rousers一般作为名词使用,如在rousers((rouser 的复数) n. 唤醒者, 搅拌器, 弥天大谎)、the rabble(下层民众;贱民)、mechanical rabble([化] 机械搅拌器)等常见短语中出现较多。

rousers(rouser 的复数) n. 唤醒者, 搅拌器, 弥天大谎
the rabble下层民众;贱民
mechanical rabble[化] 机械搅拌器
rabble a bath[机] 炉沿搅拌
rabble arm耙柄
rabble blade耙齿(多镗焙烧炉)
rabble furnace机械多层焙烧炉;搅拌炉
rabble hypothesis[网络] 乱民假设论
rabble rousern. 煽动暴民者,蛊惑人心的政客


1. In our world, you were either a bully, a toady... or one of the nameless rabble of victims. (翻译:在我们的世界里,你要么是欺负人的,要么是走狗 要么就是不值一提的广大受欺者中的一员)

2. if the rabble continues to be occupied with you, simply stop reading that drivel. (翻译:如果这群乌合之众继续纠缠你,就别读那些废话。)

3. Ungrateful, greedy rabble... they have enough wheat and coal, what more do they want? (翻译:那些忘恩负义、贪得无厌的草民... ... 他们已经得到充足的麦子和煤了, 他们还想再要什么?)

4. Lock up the rest of this rabble and take their statements. (翻译:将所有的人暂时拘留 有足够证据就起诉他们)

5. All family members were eligible to bid ; she was expecting a " rabble of Stewarts " to descend upon her the day after Christmas . (翻译:所有家庭成员都有资格出价;她已预料到,圣诞节次日会有“一群姓斯图尔特的”蜂拥来访。)

6. But her bid to control prices, her rabble-rousing instincts and her scheming were all alarming. (翻译:但是她操控价格确有其事,她的蛊惑人心和诡计多端也不得不让人警觉。)

7. We know far better than the rabble what's best for our city. (翻译:我们远比下等人群知道什么才是哥谭最需要的)

8. The broom of the Red Army has brushed Romanian and German rabble off the Odessa steps. (翻译:红军的扫帚已经横扫了罗马尼亚,德国人滚下了奥萨德*的石阶。)

9. I will not yield to kiss the ground before young Malcolm's feet and to be baited with the rabble's curse! (翻译:我不愿投降 我不愿低头吻那马尔康小子足下的泥土 被那些下贱的民众任意唾骂)

10. But I suppose now we can see why this 30 AU bunch is the disorganised rabble it is. (翻译:我想现在我们能明白为什么这个30人突击小队 只是个无组织的乌合之众了吧)

11. - I'll ride at the head of the Persian Army! Dastan leads the company of street rabble! (翻译:и皑讽瞯烩猧吹瓁 笷吹㈱揣êや瑈猐场钉)

12. Critics have accused him of rabble-rousing. (翻译:评论家指责他煽动暴力。)

13. Thanks to thejapanese, we now command a rabble. (翻译:感谢小日本所赐, 我们在指挥一群乌合之众.)

14. Thus we debase the nature of our seats and make the rabble call our cares fears, which will, in time, break open the locks of the senate, and bring in the crows to peck the eagles! (翻译:心里就感到极大的痛苦 我们贬抑了我们自己的地位 让那些乌合之众把我们的谨慎称为恐惧)

15. A small party of men, clad in garments half Indian, half European, and officered by gentlemen in a uniform partly British, were engaged, at great odds, with the swarming rabble of the Allies. (翻译:男人一个小党,在服装穿着印度的一半,一半的欧洲和指挥的由一个统一的绅士部分英国,分别从事,在伟大的可能性,与盟国的蜂拥乌合之众。)

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