rail claw hammer是什么意思 rail claw hammer的中文翻译、读音、例句

rail claw hammer是什么意思 rail claw hammer的中文翻译、读音、例句

rail claw hammer的意思是"道轨羊角锤",还有道轨羊角锤的意思,发音是[railclawhammer],rail claw hammer来源于英语,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到26个与rail claw hammer相关的例句。

Rail claw hammer的词典翻译


例句:Sir, could you hand me that hammer? (-舰长 请把锤子递给我 -好的 -Sir, could you hand me that hammer?)


rail claw hammer一般作为名词使用,如在claw hammer(羊角榔头;〈俚〉燕尾服,羊角锤;钉锤;单头锤)、Kent claw hammer(肯特拔钉锤)、claw(爪子 )等常见短语中出现较多。

claw hammer羊角榔头;〈俚〉燕尾服,羊角锤;钉锤;单头锤
Kent claw hammer肯特拔钉锤
Rail to Rail轨到轨;轨对轨
hammer ... intov. 灌输;敲进\n[网络] 钉入;向…硬灌;锤打成
hammer at敲打, 致力于, 不断强调
hammer in用锤敲击; 用力敲击; 用力敲入; 反复灌输
hammer into敲入.钉入…
hammer on用力敲打


1. And, uh, he raises up the hammer again. (翻译:然后他又举起了锤子 And, uh, he raises up the hammer again.)

2. Russell treats the Hammer like his dirty laundry. (翻译:Russell treats the Hammer like his dirty laundry.)

3. British Rail and Underground. (翻译:铁路和地铁都有 怎么? British Rail and Underground.)

4. This is a thumb claw. There it was, moments after it was discovered. (翻译:这是拇指爪,在这个恐龙化石发现后不久就发现了它。)

5. My heart beats like a hammer (翻译:My heart beats like a hammer 我心里犹如小鹿乱撞)

6. As an integrated carrier, SWIFT operates busine through rail + rail and shi ing + rail. (翻译:天津海铁联捷作为综合性承运人,通过铁路+铁路以及铁路+海运方式营运。)

7. The Hammer used a high-pitched dog whistle to confuse Russell. (翻译:The Hammer used a high 重锤利用高音哨来干扰罗素)

8. I will hammer you to the ground with my bare hands. (翻译:I will hammer you to the ground with my bare hands.)

9. It's very nasty. You get a claw hammer, you can pry doors with it. (翻译:非常好用的如果是一把羊角锤 还可用它来撬门)

10. Claw Guy sees her and runs screaming for cover. (翻译:爪人看见她,尖叫着跑到盖子下面了 Claw Guy sees her and runs screaming for cover.)

11. Russell will do battle with The Hammer in a re-match. (翻译:Russell will do battle with The Hammer in a re 罗素会在复赛里跟重锤再打一次)

12. Even when I'm an old, stinking man with claw-like, arthritic claw hands? (翻译:即使当我是一个老,臭男人 与爪状,关节炎爪手?)

13. I can scream and claw And curdle your blood (翻译:我会尖叫,我会抓破你的皮肤 让你的血都凝固)

14. This is a thumb claw. There it was, moments after it was discovered. (翻译:这是拇指爪,在这个恐龙化石发现后不久就发现了它。)

15. [Head: RH, Flash claw] [Common time] [Chest: LH, Flash claw] I'm now going to demonstrate a hand shape called the "flash claw." (翻译:头部:右手,紧握成爪型 ”四分之四拍“ 胸前,左手,紧握成爪型 我现在来描述一下”flash claw“的手形 )

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