raise the funds是什么意思 raise the funds的中文翻译、读音、例句

raise the funds是什么意思 raise the funds的中文翻译、读音、例句

raise the funds通常被翻译为"筹措资金"的意思,在英美地区还有"筹措资金"的意思,发音是[raisethefunds],raise the funds是一个英语名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到31个与raise the funds相关的例句。

Raise the funds的翻译


例句:The program, called "Headspring of Angels," will raise funds from the public, said Liu Xuanguo, deputy secretary of the CRCF, at the launching ceremony. (CRCF副秘书长刘宣国在开幕式上说,这个名为“天使之源泉”的活动将从公众中募集基金。)


raise the funds一般作为名词使用,如在raise funds([经] 筹集资金)、raise foreign funds([网络] 募集外资)、raise to(提到; 提升到)等常见短语中出现较多。

raise funds[经] 筹集资金
raise foreign funds[网络] 募集外资
raise to提到; 提升到
to raise加赌注
fundsn. 基金;资金, 现金(fund的复数)
in funds[经] 有钱, 有资本
no funds存款不足\n[经] 存款不足
the funds公债,国债
easy to raise容易种植


1. It became apparent that Austin had implemented certain funds. (翻译:Austion动用过一些款项 It became apparent that Austin had implemented certain funds.)

2. And yes, my SING Campaign has supported Treatment Action Campaign in the way that I have tried to raise awareness and to try to also raise funds. (翻译:同时,我的SING运动 也支持Treatment Action运动, 我们则是通过宣传艾滋病常识 及募款来支援他们。)

3. Drop your weapon and raise your hands. (翻译:Drop your weapon and raise your hands.)

4. Well, I will see your crazy and raise you some. (翻译:I will see your crazy and raise you some.)

5. I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight,... ..to help us raise funds for the sick children's unit. (翻译:感谢大家今天来到这里 帮助我们为疾病儿童基金会 筹集基金)

6. It's a common practice, to raise funds. (翻译:并允许我们做永久性展览 这是筹集经费的惯常做法)

7. ¶ and I will raise my hand up into the nighttime sky ¶ (翻译:# and I will raise my hand up into the nighttime sky #)

8. Another dynamic we are beginning to see involves countries benefiting from strong inflows of funds needing to raise rates to curb growth. (翻译:我们正开始看到另一种情况,即从资金强劲注入中获益的国家需要上调利率以遏制增长。)

9. The agency has discretionary funds for this kind of thing. (翻译:情报局对这些事都有报酬 The agency has discretionary funds for this kind of thing.)

10. What religion do we raise it? (翻译:孩子应该信哪种教? What religion do we raise it?)

11. Sucks at his job, he still gets a raise. (翻译:he still gets a raise.)

12. I'd have to put on two, three, four, 50 matches to raise that. (翻译:50 matches to raise that.)

13. Gibson isn't here to party, but to raise funds for polar bears. (翻译:吉逊今天来,不是开派对 而是帮北极熊筹款)

14. And when the funds run out, it's on us to get out there and raise some more. (翻译:而当医院自己的基金不够时 董事会就该出马筹钱了)

15. Raise to the future, drink to the past (翻译:∮ Raise to the future, drink to the past)

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