rangifer caribou是什么意思 rangifer caribou的中文翻译、读音、例句

rangifer caribou是什么意思 rangifer caribou的中文翻译、读音、例句

rangifer caribou在英语中代表"网络"的意思,其中文解释还有"驯鹿"的意思,发音音标为[rangifercaribou],rangifer caribou在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到90个与rangifer caribou相关的例句。

Rangifer caribou的释义


例句:And so the rivers are flooding and this is gonna be a problem for the caribou to get across. (到处都是河流 这对于经过的驯鹿群会是个问题)


例句:Aardvark, baboon, caribou, dolphin, eohippus, fox, gorilla, hyena, ibex, jackal, kangaroo, lion, marmoset, Newfoundland, ocelot, panda, rat, sloth, tiger, unicorn, varmint, whale, yak, zebra. (土豚, 狒狒, 驯鹿. 海豚, 始祖马, 狐狸, 大猩猩, 土狼, 野山羊, 豺狼, 袋鼠, 狮子, 狨猴.)


rangifer caribou一般作为名词使用,如在Rangifer caribou([网络] 驯鹿)、caribou(北美驯鹿 )、Rangifer(驯鹿属; 驯鹿属)等常见短语中出现较多。

Rangifer caribou[网络] 驯鹿
Rangifer驯鹿属; 驯鹿属
Greenland caribou[网络] 格陵兰驯鹿
Peary caribou[网络] 豌豆驯鹿
woodland caribou[网络] 森林驯鹿;丛林驯鹿;北美驯鹿
genus Rangifer[网络] Rangifer属
Rangifer arcticus[网络] 驯鹿
rangifer arcticuss[网络] 驯鹿\n(rangifer arcticus 的复数)
rangifer caribous[网络] 驯鹿\n(rangifer caribou 的复数)


1. A caribou is in critical condition. (翻译:A caribou is in critical condition. 在这个城市有许多的坏消息笼罩的恐惧。一只麋鹿。)

2. There are 11 subspecies of Rangifer tarandus in the word and 9 exist, 2 extinct. (翻译:全世界的驯鹿可以分为11个亚种,现存9个亚种,灭绝2个亚种。)

3. We're gonna do this trip to see what the caribou mothers go through and to see this migration from their perspective. (翻译:我们这次的旅程将追随母驯鹿经过的地方 并从它们的视角来观察此次迁徙)

4. Yeah, that's gotta be caribou paths. Look at that drainage coming in. (翻译:是的 这肯定是驯鹿经过的地方 看看那些排水口)

5. After off he heard the squawking of caribou calves. (翻译:他听见远处传来小驯鹿的尖叫声。)

6. It was a tool carved from caribou bone by his grandfather in 1910, and it turned out to be a specialized implement used by a trapper to skin out the eyelids of wolves. (翻译:这个礼物是他祖父于xx年 用驯鹿骨刻成, 这个礼物是猎人用来 刮狼眼皮的专用工具。)

7. Famished from half a year of hibernation even the lordly brown bear is content to graze in spring sharing the meadows with caribou too fleet to be caught. (翻译:即使是魁梧的棕熊 在经过半年的冬眠饥饿后 也满足的在春天里吃青草)

8. Now you've probably heard about the Porcupine caribou herd in the context of its breeding ground in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. (翻译:你或许听说过,豪猪驯鹿的 繁殖地 位于北极国家野生动物保护区 )

9. Hearing loss makes it hard to fish on the open water, hunt caribou and harvest berries, activities central to Alaskan Native culture. (翻译:听力缺损使人们很难 在天然水域捕鱼、 难以捕猎驯鹿和采收浆果, 而这些活动是阿拉斯加 原住民文化的核心。)

10. Every year three million caribou migrate across the Arctic tundra. (翻译:每年,300万迁徙的北美驯鹿 都将穿越北极苔原)

11. Caribou mothers are having a tough time as the Arctic warms. (翻译:由于北极变暖 母驯鹿将会度过很艰难的一段时间)

12. They are hidden behind Caribou Mountain, which can be viewed from Big Flat, a stunning mountain meadow near the trailhead . (翻译:它们隐藏在驯鹿山后,从大平露营地可以看到;小道的起点周围有一片令人陶醉的山地草原。)

13. But one of our chefs has prepared a meal of local cranberries, Bannock bread and caribou as well as some white fish. (翻译:但是我们厨师之一已经准备了包括当地小红莓,大饼面包,驯鹿以及白鱼在内的美味佳肴。)

14. Every caribou knew when it was time to run and in which direction to go, even if it didn't know exactly why. (翻译:每只驯鹿都知道什么时候该跑以及往哪个方向跑,甚至它们并不知道它们为什么要那样。)

15. These newlyweds will follow the caribou all the way to their birthing grounds. (翻译:这对新婚夫妇将跟随者驯鹿 一直到达它们的繁衍栖息地)


rangifer caribou作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、rangifer、caribous等。

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