rated nozzle charateristic是什么意思 rated nozzle charateristic的中文翻译、

rated nozzle charateristic是什么意思 rated nozzle charateristic的中文翻译、

rated nozzle charateristic通常被翻译为"额定喷管特性"的意思,在日常中也代表"额定喷管特性"的意思,发音音标为[ratednozzlecharateristic],rated nozzle charateristic在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到74个与rated nozzle charateristic相关的例句。

Rated nozzle charateristic的释义


例句:They also rated the man’s general likability, kindness, and extroversion. (他们也要评估出该男子的总体可爱程度、友好程度和性格外向程度。)


rated nozzle charateristic一般作为名词使用,如在Not rated(未评论的\n未评级的)、rated at(额定)、nozzle(喷嘴 )等常见短语中出现较多。

Not rated未评论的\n未评级的
rated at额定
discharge rated标示抽水量
man ratedadj. 适于人用的
monthly rated月计
not otherwise rated未作其他评价
not yet rated[网络] 尚未分级;新车评价
power rated额定电力标称容量;额定容量;额定电力


1. Jet nozzle is arranged at the root of the fairwater. (翻译:喷流孔布置在导流帽的根部。)

2. And after 45 generations, you have this incredible nozzle. (翻译:经过45轮测试后 你们就得到了这个很好的喷嘴管口)

3. Saier in standardizing nozzle, it made a good market, set an example. (翻译:赛尔在规范中国喷头市场上作出了有益的尝试,树立了榜样。)

4. But on the other hand, Knowing things is over rated. (翻译:但是换句话说... 掌握真相这事总被夸大其词)

5. The pictures were rated for attractiveness, feminity, and healthiness. (翻译:这些照片依照吸引力、女性化与健康分等级。)

6. The rated working pressure of the separator is 10 MPa. (翻译:分离器的额定工作压力是10兆帕。)

7. Ink usage for larger and nozzle used for a longer time, interaction between them, such as ink and print images on the nozzle. (翻译:不朱水的用量较不小和喷嘴的搁浅工夫较不幼,它们之间彼此感化,如不朱水差喷嘴和打印图像感化。)

8. The length and diameter of the NAE are determined to attune with the nozzle's size. (翻译:NAE的长度和直径确定调谐与喷嘴的尺寸。)

9. Waitrose was rated top supermarket in a survey by Which? , the consumer magazine. (翻译:而在消费者杂志Which?进行的一项调查中,Waitrose被评为最受欢迎的超市。)

10. ¶ All of our work is rated again ¶ (翻译:[All of our work is rated again])

11. Its nozzle was smeared with some kind of lubricant. (翻译:它的喷嘴上涂了种润滑油。)

12. Steam nozzle complete with aerator for heating beverages and the preparation of "Cappuccino" . (翻译:蒸汽喷嘴与加热饮料和编制曝气机完整的卡布奇诺。)

13. The processor's rated speed is 252 MHz. (翻译:处理器的额定速度是252 MHz。)

14. - Yοu've redecοrated, Lοgue. (翻译:- 你重新布置了这里,罗格 - 让环境舒服些)

15. The flow is accelerated rapidly in the nozzle resulting in large streamwise strain. (翻译:在喷嘴中,气流被迅速加速,导致很大的流向应变。)

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