rattlesnake ore是什么意思 rattlesnake ore的中文翻译、读音、例句

rattlesnake ore是什么意思 rattlesnake ore的中文翻译、读音、例句

rattlesnake ore的中文解释是"响尾蛇状矿石",还经常被翻译为响尾蛇状矿石,单词读音音标为[rattlesnakeore],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到50个与rattlesnake ore相关的例句。

Rattlesnake ore的释义


例句:At the meeting, Zhuzhuang mine, Tongting ore, iron ore transportation office and made Qinan Experience. (会上,朱庄矿、童亭矿、铁运处和祁南矿做了经验介绍。)


rattlesnake ore一般作为名词使用,如在rattlesnake(响尾蛇 )、downy rattlesnake([网络] 柔软的响尾蛇)、horned rattlesnake([网络] 角响尾蛇)等常见短语中出现较多。

downy rattlesnake[网络] 柔软的响尾蛇
horned rattlesnake[网络] 角响尾蛇
Mojave rattlesnake[网络] 莫哈维响尾蛇
prairie rattlesnake[网络] 草原响尾蛇;草原响尾蛇毒
Rattlesnake Creek[地名] 拉特尔斯内克溪 ( 美 )
rattlesnake fat响尾蛇脂
rattlesnake fern[植物]蕨纂(Botrychium virginianium)
rattlesnake fernsrattlesnake fern\n【植物】蕨纂(Botrychium virginianium)


1. Lead -zinc ore belt on the eastern side of Kangdian Axis is one of major lead -zinc ore belts in China. (翻译:康滇池轴东侧的铅锌矿带是我国的主要铅锌矿带之一。)

2. One family of completely harmless snakes, the kingsnake, has also evolved serum that neutralizes rattlesnake venom. (翻译:一种完全无毒的蛇家族,王蛇,也进化出了能中和响尾蛇毒液的血清。)

3. This ore deposit is characterized by mineral and element zonation. (翻译:矿床具有明显的矿物、元素分带。)

4. A Wal-Mart customer is recovering after he was bitten by a rattlesnake in a garden department of the store chain. (翻译:一位顾客在沃尔玛购物的时候在花园区被一条响尾蛇咬伤,目前身体情况正在恢复中。)

5. The ore pulp self-returning pipe adopts an ore pulp pipeline inlayed with a wearproof material. (翻译:矿浆自返管道采用镶有耐磨材料的矿浆管道。)

6. Ore types are limonite fractured silicic sandstone, quartz veinlet and bedded flysch rhythm ore. (翻译:矿石类型为褐铁矿化破碎硅化砂岩、石英细脉和层状复理石韵律矿石。)

7. It'd be that shifty-eyed, back-stabbin' rattlesnake Ashton Carnaby. (翻译:他就是ashton 卡纳比一个奸诈, 惟利是图,蛇蝎心肠的人.)

8. The Rattlesnake. Winner of fame and fortune. (翻译:是啊 我就是那个有名又有钱的的幸运响尾蛇)

9. The changes that had come to this landscape did not favor long-distance rattlesnake migration. (翻译:这块地发生的变化不利于响尾蛇长距离的迁徙。)

10. The Be bearing striation altered rock played a vital role in ore prospecting and forecasting and provides a new concept for ore searching. (翻译:含铍条纹状蚀变岩的发现在找矿预测中起到了致关重要的作用,为找矿工作开拓了新的思路。)

11. The discovery of gold ore deposits in the Tuobuka - buka area is one of the very important advances made in the Kunyang Group for ore - prospecting. (翻译:东川拖布卡-布卡地区发现的独立型金矿是滇中昆阳群找矿工作取得的重大进展之一。)

12. Marginal Ore-Forming System and Ore-Forming Prediction from Neixiang to Xichuan in Southwest Henan Province (翻译:河南省内乡-淅川地区边缘成矿体系与成矿预测)

13. The stability of skarn in the soleplate of ore body is bad and the mining ground pressure is serious in Xishimen iron ore mine. (翻译:西石门铁矿矿体底板矽卡岩稳定性差,采动地压大,地压问题已成为制约该矿安全生产的关键问题。)

14. And if you want to go really crazy, 1,000 scales on a rattlesnake. (翻译:如果你想做些疯狂的事情, 这有一条有1000片鳞片的响尾蛇。)

15. The Gadsden flag is a historical Americanflag with a yellow field depicting a rattlesnake coiled and ready to strike. (翻译:加兹登旗帜是一面黄色旗帜,上面有一只盘旋于地,准备攻击的响尾蛇。)

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