microwave discriminator是什么意思 microwave discriminator的中文翻译、读音、例句

microwave discriminator是什么意思 microwave discriminator的中文翻译、读音、例句

microwave discriminator在英语中代表"电"的意思,作为名词时有"微波鉴别器"的意思,读音为[microwavediscriminator],microwave discriminator在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到40个与microwave discriminator相关的例句。

Microwave discriminator的翻译


例句:I couldn't. No money, no microwave, no convenience store. (没有钱 没有微波炉 没便利店 No money, no microwave, no convenience store.)


例句:Treatment of cheilitis of benign lymphadenosis in lower lip with microwave radiation (微波辐射治疗下唇良性淋巴组织增生性唇炎的探讨)


microwave discriminator一般作为名词使用,如在microwave phase discriminator([电子] 微波鉴相器)、discriminator(n. 辨别者, 鉴别器\n[电] 鉴别器)、microwave(微波 )等常见短语中出现较多。

microwave phase discriminator[电子] 微波鉴相器
discriminatorn. 辨别者, 鉴别器\n[电] 鉴别器
differential discriminator[电] 微分鉴别器
diode discriminator二极体鉴别器
direction discriminator[网络] 方向鉴别器
discriminator bias鉴别器偏压
discriminator circuit鉴频电路;鉴相位电路
discriminator curve鉴别器曲线


1. The utility model relates to a portable counterfeit money discriminator used for identifying the true or false of money. (翻译:本实用新型涉及一种用于识别钞标真伪的便携式伪钞鉴别器。)

2. Is the inside of your microwave sporting some soup splatters? (翻译:微波炉里是不是有一些汤洒出来了? )

3. But it can be easily reheated, in the microwave of evil. (翻译:邪恶微波炉可以轻而易举把它加热。)

4. The microwave will bleep when your meal is ready. (翻译:烹调结束时,微波炉会发出哔哔的声音。)

5. Synthesis of Phthalein Indicators under Microwave Irradiation. (翻译:微波作用下酞类指示剂的快速合成。)

6. A microwave and a bottle whiskey is not many presents. (翻译:一个微波炉和一瓶威士忌 可不能算太多礼物)

7. He threatens to microwave it. (翻译:威胁我要用微波炉加热 {\3cH202020}He threatens to microwave it.)

8. The microwave dings. (翻译:微波炉发出叮铛的响声。)

9. She has a microwave, but uses it mainly for defrosting bread. (翻译:她有一台微波炉,但是主要用于解冻面包。)

10. Electromagnetic radiation and microwave exist mankinds environment widely. (翻译:电磁辐射广泛存在于人类的生存环境之中。)

11. Fully equipped, big kitchen, water bed, microwave. (翻译:包括全部装备 大厨房,水床... 收音机,磁碟机,微波炉)

12. Microwave irradiation to tissues is a kind of nonionizing radiation, which would not cause irreversible lesion of tissues if microwave irradiation power and time were controlled properly. (翻译:微波对组织的辐射是一种非电离辐射,适当控制微波发射功率和照射时间,不会对组织造成不可逆损害。)

13. Code discriminator is the core of a micro code-lock, a safety device on very important occasions. The design of code discriminators is based on UQS technology. (翻译:姜勇陈文元张卫平李胜勇微机械密码锁是一种用于重要场合的安全保险装置,其鉴码机构的设计基于UQS技术。)

14. He put the sagging box in the microwave and nuked it. (翻译:他将那个变得松软的盒子放入微波炉烹饪。)

15. This theory can be used to develop a microwave phase conjugator. (翻译:这一理论可用于微波频段相位共轭器的研制。)

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