middle atlantic states是什么意思 middle atlantic states的中文翻译、读音、例句

middle atlantic states是什么意思 middle atlantic states的中文翻译、读音、例句

middle atlantic states的意思是"亦称作、即纽约州",还有美国中部濒邻大西洋各州的意思,单词读音音标为[middleatlanticstates],middle atlantic states常被用作名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到62个与middle atlantic states相关的例句。

Middle Atlantic States的翻译


例句:Igavevedo"againstall odds" by phil collins. (Diamond Rio的《Meet in the Middle》)


例句:Already from the United States, the packed troop ships were streaming across the Atlantic. (早已从美国开出, 拥挤不堪的运兵船正鱼贯穿越大西洋)


例句:The United States of America locates in central and northwest North America with coastlines on the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (美国位于北美洲中部和西北,海岸线延及太平洋和大西洋。)


例句:Need I remind you of a certain butcher out of A.C.? (翻译:要我提醒你在Atlantic城的某个屠夫吗)


middle atlantic states一般作为名词使用,如在middle atlantic(大西洋中部)、Atlantic(大西洋的 )、the atlantic(n. 大西洋)等常见短语中出现较多。

middle atlantic大西洋中部
the atlanticn. 大西洋
in the middle在中部; 正忙于; 拦腰; 当心
the middle[网络] 左右不逢源;中产家庭;中间之道
mid atlanticadj. 中部大西洋的
North Atlantic北大西洋
South Atlantic南大西洋
Sub Atlantic[网络] 亚大西洋期


1. The United States of America locates in central and northwest North America with coastlines on the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (翻译:美国位于北美洲中部和西北,海岸线延及太平洋和大西洋。)

2. Need I remind you of a certain butcher out of A.C.? (翻译:要我提醒你在Atlantic城的某个屠夫吗)

3. Standard Atlantic, is a modern company Colonel Delarue. (翻译:Standard Atlantic, 是个现代公司 Delarue.)

4. Back on that rock in the middle of the sea (翻译:∮ Back on that rock in the middle of the sea)

5. Two-hundred and fifty businesses, 72 residences, covering all 50 states. (翻译:covering all 50 states.)

6. Helping their community, served their states. (翻译:Helping their community, served their states.)

7. In the middle of the night? (翻译:In the middle of the night? 就这样搞? 在半夜?)

8. War declared between the states! (翻译:州际开战 War declared between the states!)

9. ♪ In the middle of the night ♪ (翻译:# In the middle of the night #)

10. Ladies and gentlemen, United States Secret Service. (翻译:United States Secret Service.)

11. In the middle of the reception? (翻译:In the middle of the reception?)

12. The President of the United States? (翻译:美国总统吗? The President of the United States?)

13. Stay in the middle, keep swinging on dudes. (翻译:Stay in the middle, keep swinging on dudes.)

14. Cretaceous Bryozoa from the Campanian and Maastrichtian of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains, United States (翻译:来自大西洋与海湾海岸平原、美国的坎潘阶和马斯特里赫特阶的白恶世苔藓虫)

15. Is the United States at the beginning. middle, or end of an RMA? (翻译:当前美国正处在这场军事革命的开始、中期还是后期?)

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