reconciliacion是什么意思 reconciliacion的中文翻译、读音、例句

reconciliacion是什么意思 reconciliacion的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. La reconciliación es esencial para construir una sociedad pacífica y justa.(和解对于建立和平公正的社会至关重要。)

2. La familia finalmente encontró la reconciliación después de años de pelea.(经过多年的争吵,这个家庭终于找到了和解。)

3. El proceso de reconciliación entre los dos países es largo pero necesario.(两个国家之间的和解进程很漫长,但却是必要的。)

4. La reconciliación no significa olvidar, sino aprender a perdonar y seguir adelante.(和解并不意味着忘记,而是学会原谅并继续前进。)

5. La reconciliación entre ellos fue difícil, pero al final valió la pena.(他们之间的和解很困难,但最终是值得的。)

6. La reconciliación entre los trabajadores y los empleadores mejoró el ambiente laboral.(工人和雇主之间的和解改善了工作环境。)

7. La reconciliación entre las tribus rivales fue posible gracias a la intervención del gobierno.(政府的干预使敌对部落之间的和解成为可能。)

8. La reconciliación entre las dos religiones contribuyó a la paz en la región.(两个宗教之间的和解促进了该地区的和平。)

9. La reconciliación no siempre es fácil, pero es esencial para el progreso y la armonía.(和解并不总是容易的,但对于进步和和谐至关重要。)



例句:He was taken in to the Recon Corps under Commander Erwin's hands. (不过听说他是以艾尔文团长手下的形式 被带进了调查军团的)


例句:But cilia are fragile. (然而纤毛也是很脆弱的。)


1. Agents Williamson, Osterberg, will be in charge of sniper and recon at location. (翻译:威廉姆森探员以及奥斯塔伯格探员会负责狙击和侦查的工作)

2. The center will focus on the related disciplines of CI and HUMINT. (翻译:该中心将关注反间谍与人工情报的相关条例。)

3. NuGet in the Enterprise: This includes CI scenarios outside of Visual Studio, authenticated feeds, etc. (翻译:适用于企业的NuGet:这包括visual Studio以外的CI场景,还有支持验证的在线列表等。)

4. The development of SCIP has great illumination to CI development in our country. (翻译:SCIP的发展对我国竞争情报事业发展有很大的启发作用。)

5. It's a place to start, and I'm scrambling a team to recon with you. (翻译:你怎么看? 这是一个开始的地方,而我 战斗队侦察与您联系。)

6. Your first recon task is to find the enemy. (翻译:侦察的第一步是找到敌方据点。)

7. Feng Yansi was a famous Ci poet in the Five Dynasties. His Ci poems are of great artistic value and take an important place in Ci history. (翻译:冯延巳是五代时的词坛名家,他的词具有很高的艺术价值,在词史上的地位也很重要。)

8. They're ci rcl i ng and m ight be headed back for another run. (翻译:他们是CI RCL我纳克和m的洞察力领导回来 另一个运行。)

9. I am expecting to be arrested at any moment. My crime is being married to Cilia Dil and not betraying her. (翻译:我随时有被捕的危险,我的罪行就是和Cilia Dil结婚,而且没有背叛她。)

10. Jiangxi Ci-Poetry Community is one of most famous Ci-Poetry Communities between the beginning of Yuan Dynasty and the ending of Song Dynast. (翻译:宋末元初江西词人群体是一个非常著名的词人群体。)

11. All the elements above make the Wen's Ci more euphuistic, elaborate and more magnificent than other Ci writers. (翻译:以上诸种要素,使温庭筠的词境相对于其他婉约词人,更香艳温暖,也更繁缛富丽。)

12. See if Skye can get me any recon on that temple. (翻译:看看斯凯能不能再套出点那个神庙的信息 see if Skye can get me any recon on that temple.)

13. As you can see thus far, there are many types of feedback mechanisms available for you to utilize in a CI environment. (翻译:正如您所见,可以在CI环境中采用的反馈机制有很多种。)

14. I look in the empty white ramie song ci. (翻译:日日望乡国,空歌白苎词。)

15. It'll be reported as a rebellion by a portion of the Recon Corps. (翻译:只不过形式上是调查军团的小部分人的反抗行为)

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