master user是什么意思 master user的中文翻译、读音、例句

master user是什么意思 master user的中文翻译、读音、例句

master user通常被翻译为"主用户"的意思,作为名词时有"主用户"的意思,在线读音是[masteruser],master user在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到50个与master user相关的例句。

Master user的翻译


例句:It pollutes the user, twisting everything it touches. (它腐化使用者 扭曲一切 It pollutes the user, twisting everything it touches.)


master user一般作为名词使用,如在user to user(用户对用户)、doubie Master(马斯特氏双倍二阶梯试验)、Kong the Master([网络] 孔师傅)等常见短语中出现较多。

user to user用户对用户
doubie Master马斯特氏双倍二阶梯试验
Kong the Master[网络] 孔师傅
Master Cube[网络] 主立方体
Master Cubes[网络] 主立方体
Master Fund主要基金(主基金)\n母基金
Master Gunner【军事】 (炮兵中管理射击设备的)射击助理员
Master in Business[网络] 商科硕士专业
Master Notes[网络] 票据;主要债券
Master of Architecture[网络] 建筑学硕士;建筑硕士;建筑学硕士学位


1. We've done Extreme Rock Master, Extreme Jazz Master, and now we're doing Extreme Blues Master. (翻译:像是摇滚... 爵士乐... 而这是我们最近努力的成果)

2. - Master Poe, enemy fighters! (翻译:- 波主人 敌机 - 伙计们 有很多客人来了 - Master Poe, enemy fighters!)

3. "User-add2". (翻译:“ user - add2 ”。)

4. Breathe. This big guy Luke, he talked about an offering to the Master. (翻译:he talked about an offering to the Master.)

5. When a user logs on, the user is authenticated with TSAM-TDS. (翻译:当一个用户登录时,将借助TSAM-TDS对其进行身份验证。)

6. But, Master, you promised me. (翻译:可是 主人 你答应我的 But, Master, you promised me.)

7. Mostly user ratings, uh... (翻译:大部分用户评分... Mostly user ratings, uh...)

8. Master, send a cup of tea for the gentleman? (翻译:伙计,能给这位先生来杯茶吗 Master, send a cup of tea for the gentleman?)

9. - Why would somebody want Master bones? (翻译:- Good God. - Why would somebody want Master bones?)

10. Master Kingston, I am ready. (翻译:金斯顿大人 我准备好了 Master Kingston, I am ready.)

11. Now issue the command db2adutl grant user db2inst1 on nodename techcm for db awt. (翻译:现在运行命令db2adutl grant user db2inst1 on nodename techcm for db awt。)

12. The time has come, Master Ward. (翻译:时间到了 华德大师 The time has come, Master Ward.)

13. Unless you can prevent it, the Master walks. (翻译:Tonight is the Harvest. the Master walks.)

14. Remember me in France, Master Gravedigger. (翻译:记住我也是法国人... Remember me in France, Master Gravedigger. 掘墓师傅)

15. Popped maize, Master Wooley? (翻译:爆玉米花 乌利先生 Popped maize, Master Wooley?)

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