midlatitude是什么意思 midlatitude的中文翻译、读音、例句

midlatitude是什么意思 midlatitude的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Over-Friending is a Bad Idea on latitude. (在纵横上“过度朋友”很糟糕。)


midlatitude一般作为名词使用,如在midlatitude atmosphere(中纬度大气)、Gauss midlatitude formula(高斯中纬度公式)等常见短语中出现较多。

midlatitude atmosphere中纬度大气
Gauss midlatitude formula高斯中纬度公式


1. Preliminary Study on Fruit Quality of Newhall Orange from Various Spot with Different Latitude (翻译:不同纬度产地纽荷尔脐橙果实品质状况初步研究)

2. Latitude observations with the zenith telescope ZTL-180 have been continued at the Tientsin Latitude Station. (翻译:天津纬度站于1962、xx年继续用180毫米天顶仪进行纬度变化的观测。)

3. As such, I would put his age at mid-20s to mid-30s. (翻译:综上 他应该是xx岁到xx岁 As such, I would put his age at mid -20s to mid -30s.)

4. Now comes into mid-term on this round of rebounce, not the beginning of mid-term quotes. (翻译:目前已步入本轮反弹的中期,并不是中期行情的开始。)

5. Num_chars Specifies the number of characters you want MID to return from text. (翻译:Num_chars指定要MID从文本中返回的字符数量。)

6. And then there is their location on the sky as seen from a certain latitude on the back plate. Okay? (翻译:他们于天空上的位置 则是通过观察盘子背后的纬度测出。)

7. MID isn't exactly falling over itself to fill us in, but we understand interrogation is his specialty and would you believe it? (翻译:MID将不会信口开河。我们知道, 审讯是他们的专长。你相信吗?)

8. Temperatures expected to reach the mid-60s. (翻译:今日气温最高15摄氏度 Temperatures expected to reach the mid)

9. Start speed at 12 knots. Azimuth of 90°, latitude of 170°. (翻译:敌船速度12节 方位角90度 前进航向170度)

10. Take cover and cover our mid field position! (翻译:找掩护 守住中心战场 Take cover and cover our mid field position!)

11. Meanwhile, Dell over the past few years has revamped its OptiPlex desktop and Latitude laptop lines to include energy-saving features. (翻译:与此同时,戴尔过去几年来一直在改进OptiPlex台式电脑和Latitude笔记本电脑,将节电功能包括进来。)

12. Mid-July, as soon as I get back. (翻译:xx月中旬 我一回去就该生了 Mid -July, as soon as I get back.)

13. Strategic arms limitation talks. (翻译:和纬度 and latitude. 战略武器限制谈判 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.)

14. Conversion from latitude/longitude to UTM (翻译:将经纬度转换为 UTM )

15. But Mau did not operate on latitude, longitude, angles, or mathematical calculations of any kind. (翻译:但是毛驾船并不靠纬度、经度、角度,也不靠任何数学计算。)

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