reference tariff是什么意思 reference tariff的中文翻译、读音、例句

reference tariff是什么意思 reference tariff的中文翻译、读音、例句

reference tariff通常被翻译为"经"的意思,还有参考税率的意思,发音音标为[referencetariff],reference tariff来源于英语,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到56个与reference tariff相关的例句。

Reference tariff的翻译


例句:It is to undermine this very reference, - mythic reference which legitimises the Stalinist leader: (而是去破坏这个参考依据 神话般的参考依据 使斯大林主义者领袖得以合法化的)


例句:You can use this as a reference (这可以做参考 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}You can use this as a reference)


reference tariff一般作为名词使用,如在reference of reference(基准的基准)、reference(①参考②涉及 )、for reference([经] 备案, 参考)等常见短语中出现较多。

reference of reference基准的基准
for reference[经] 备案, 参考
in reference to关于..., 根据...\n[法] 有关, 指
reference non. 参考编号\n[网络] 证书编号;参考号;档号
reference to提到
the reference[网络] 依据;职位推荐信;参考文献
with reference[法]根据
with reference to关于\n[法] 关于, 根据


1. We agree to withdraw our complaint at the WTO over China's tariff on chickens. (翻译:我们同意向世界贸易组织撤销 对中国的鸡肉征收关税的投诉)

2. It was an oblique reference to his mother. (翻译:这是对他母亲的隐射。)

3. What is that in reference to? (翻译:什么意思? 什么降临? 说清楚点 拜托!)

4. The charges for CHT WS-FRS are AS per the attached tariff; the new tariff will apply when the old one is adjusted. (翻译:用户租用本业务应缴之各项费用及收费标准详如价目表;费率如有调整时,按新费率计收。)

5. Quickly and accurately identify harmonised tariff codes for your products. (翻译:迅速准确地为您的产品找到协调关税代码。)

6. However, their technological frame of reference was different than our technological frame of reference. (翻译:然而 他们的工艺参照标准和 我们今天的不一样 所以他们没有)

7. A general tariff was imposed on foreign imports. (翻译:国外进口货物当时按普通税率征税。)

8. Harmonizer can quickly and accurately identify tariff codes for your products. (翻译:Harmonizer均可为您的产品迅速准确地查找关税号码。)

9. In the Smoot-Hawley tariff Act [of 1930] we raised our tariffs. (翻译:在xx年的史慕特郝雷关税法案,我们提高我们的关税。)

10. The qing government promulgated by the principle of fairness is a new tariff, so that the business AnLi pay. (翻译:清朝政府将以公平的原则颁布一部新的关税则例,以便英商按例交纳。)

11. Smoot-Hawley was a disaster, yet it was not a typical tariff. (翻译:《斯姆特-霍利关税法》是一个灾难,但它并不是一种典型的关税法。)

12. The tariff reform movement in Britain started by Joseph Chamberlain brought new opponents of Manchesterism. (翻译:由约瑟夫·张伯伦发起的英国关税改革运动带来了新的反对曼彻斯特主义的反对者。)

13. We are animals, because our reference is no different than the reference of animals. (翻译:我们是动物,因为我们的参考是没有 比动物的基准不同。)

14. In the end, the court ruled that a tomato is a vegetable when referring to the Tariff Act, but is botanically a fruit. (翻译:最终,法院判决根据税法,番茄是一种蔬菜,而从植物学角度来说,它是一种水果。)

15. The tax may be levied as a percentage of the value of the imports, which is called an AD valorem tariff. (翻译:税费可以按照进口商品价值的一定的百分比来征收,这称为从价关税。)

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