reforce是什么意思 reforce的中文翻译、读音、例句

reforce是什么意思 reforce的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 可能的意思:根据上下文,“reforce”可能是“reinforce”的缩写,意思是加强或增强某物的力量、效率或作用。

2. 多种使用情况:'reforce'可用于多种上下文,包括机械、工程、科技、体育等等领域,常常在说明深化或升级某种东西的过程中使用。

3. 缩写的用法:由于大多数人都使用“reinforce"来指代加强或增强,所以'reforce'这个词在许多情况下被用作缩写。

4. 发音和拼写:'reforce'的发音和'reinforce'相同,但是拼写上有所区别。因此,通常需要注意拼写和区分它们的含义。

5. 使用范围:由于'reforce'是一种缩写,因此其使用范围相对较窄,通常只在某些特定的场合使用。


1. The company is planning to 'reforce' their marketing strategy to attract more customers. (该公司计划加强他们的营销策略,以吸引更多的客户。)

2. The mechanic said he needs to 'reforce' the engine in order to improve the car's performance. (机修师说他需要加强引擎,以提高汽车的性能。)

3. The coach suggested that the team 'reforce' their defense strategy in order to stop the opposing team from scoring. (教练建议球队加强防守策略,以阻止对手得分。)

4. The engineers had to 'reforce' the bridge's supports to make it earthquake-proof. (工程师们不得不加固桥梁的支撑,使之抗震。)

5. The company is looking to 'reforce' their IT infrastructure to improve productivity and efficiency. (该公司希望加强他们的IT基础设施,以提高生产力和效率。)




1. We need to reforce our security measures to protect against cyber attacks.(我们需要加强安全措施来防范网络攻击。)

2. The coach is trying to reforce the team's strategy before the important match.(教练正在试图加强团队在重要比赛前的策略。)

3. The government is planning to reforce the laws on environmental protection.(政府正在计划加强环境保护法律。)



例句:Or we will open it by force. (- 佩吉 - or we will open it by force.)


例句:I have a question about anthropogenic force. (I have a question about anthropogenic force.)


1. Do-re-mi-fa-so and so on are only the tools we use to build a song. (翻译:Do Re Mi... 只是个来唱歌的工具)

2. Knowledge can be as effective as force. (翻译:知识就是力量 Knowledge can be as effective as force.)

3. When you sing, you begin with Do-Re-Mi (翻译:当你唱歌时,你先从 Do Re Mi 开始)

4. Have a task force trying to run him down? (翻译:have a task force trying to run him down?)

5. Your re-design, your big re-brand, that was AIM, right? (翻译:-design, your big re -brand, that was AIM, right?)

6. - They're trained to use deadly force. (翻译:- 我觉得他们是被训练使用致命武器...)

7. No, they're a very good air force, all right? (翻译:海顿上将 1999~2005: 以色列有非常精良的空军部队)

8. Subject: Re: Re: Re: Forbes magazine - FORTIETH most powerful woman in the world? (翻译:主题:Re: Re: Re:《福布斯》全球第四十名最具影响力的女性? )

9. Brother, I have been re-hymenated. (翻译:I have been re -hymenated.)

10. Hem hid Pa make it 55 tke force? (翻译:Hem hid Pa make it 55 tke force?)

11. @ Do re mi fa so la ti do. @ (翻译:@ @ Do re mi fa so la ti do.)

12. - We force them west here. (翻译:- 怎么引? - We force them west here. - How?)

13. Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do, so-do (翻译:Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do So Do)

14. In particular, the attitude to the use of force and the way they're trained to use force is especially different. (翻译:特别地, 使用武力的态度 和他们被训练的使用武力的方式 是特别得不同的)

15. Is there particular urgency to find them? (翻译:找它们有急用吗 Y a une urgence particulière à les retrouver?)

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